Friday, October 4, 2013

Puppet "exec" always requires a path

I needed to run a simple "mv" command in Puppet, with an "exec" type (I know, exec should be used only in desperate cases):

  exec { "mv OracleDomainScript-${version}":
    command => "mv OracleDomainScript-${version}/* .",
    cwd     => "$destination_folder",

and I got a weird error message:
'mv OracleDomainScript-2.5/* .' is not qualified and no path was specified. Please qualify the command or specify a path

The workaround is to specify explicitly a path:

  exec { "mv OracleDomainScript-${version}":
    command => "mv OracleDomainScript-${version}/* .",
    path => "/bin",
    cwd     => "$destination_folder",

the "default" path of the current user is not used by Puppet:
echo $PATH
and the "mv" command is in /bin

I bet EVERY Puppet beginner has made this mistake.

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