Tuesday, September 24, 2013

sudo Runas_list (sudo by example)

I have 3 users "soa", "soa2", "soa3". I want to allow a user "myuser", member of the group "support", to run ANY script in /opt/oracle/usr folder, but ONLY impersonating the soa, soa2, soa3 user - the script should never been run as myuser user.

I create a group "support" and a user myuser:
puppet apply -e "group {'support': ensure => present,}
puppet apply -e "user {'myuser': ensure => present, gid => 'support', managehome => true}"

then I edit my sudoers file:
visudo -f /etc/sudoers

and I enter
Runas_Alias SOA = soa, soa2, soa3

%support osb-vagrant= (SOA) /opt/oracle/usr/*

"%support" means "any member of the support group"
"osb-vagrant=" means "only when the operator is logged on this hostname"
"(SOA)" means "only if the operator runs the command with a sudo -u soa|soa2|soa3 command"
"/opt/oracle/usr/*" means "operator can run any script in /opt/oracle/usr/ directory"

If you want to allow the operator to run the command without having to supply his password:
%support osb-vagrant= (SOA) NOPASSWD: /opt/oracle/usr/*
now if you "sudo su - myuser" and run "sudo -u soa /opt/oracle/usr/somescript.sh", you will be able to run the script impersonating the user "soa".

sudo is incredibly flexible

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