Sunday, October 25, 2015

OSB Cluster

Create a new Domain, using the "OSB Production" template
Create it in "Production" mode
Create MS osb_server1 and osb_server2 and put them into a cluster.

You will notice that this deployment:

"ALSB Cluster Singleton Marker Application" is targeted to osb_server1

wlsbJMSServer_auto_1 and 2 are targeted to osb_server1 and 2

WseeJmsServer_auto_1 and 2 are targeted to osb_server1 and 2

wli.reporting.purge.queue is deployed to wlsbJMSServer_auto_1

all the reporting, email file ftp sftp transport JMS queues are created as Distributed Destinations and targeted to the cluster
(wlsb.internal.transport.task.queue.ftp_auto_1, wlsb.internal.transport.task.queue.sftp_auto_1, wlsb.internal.transport.task.queue.email_auto_1, wlsb.internal.transport.task.queue.file_auto_1, QueueIn_auto_1, wli.reporting.jmsprovider.queue_auto_1, wli.reporting.jmsprovider_error.queue_auto_1)

DefaultCallbackQueue-WseeJmsServer_auto_1/2 and DefaultQueue-WseeJmsServer_auto_1/2 are deployed to either server

see here

for File, FTP, email:
"the poller on only one managed server will poll for a given proxy service"

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