Sunday, October 2, 2011

Profiling WebLogic 10.3.5 with YourKit 10.0.0

see also

In brief, if you are lazy:

in YourKit, Tools/Integrate with standalone Application Server, choose WebLogic 9/10,
provide location of the startup script (not necessarily startWebLogic.cmd, if you are profiling a Managed Server you will provide C:\bea1035\user_projects\domains\osb_domain\startms1.cmd )

(I choose JVM 32bit)

YourKit will generate a C:\bea1035\user_projects\domains\osb_domain\startms1_with_yjp.bat

who simply inserts a

set JAVA_OPTIONS=-agentpath:C:\PROGRA~2\YOURKI~1.0\bin\win32\yjpagent.dll=disablestacktelemetry,disableexceptiontelemetry,builtinprobes=none,delay=10000,sessionname=WebLogic %JAVA_OPTIONS%

before my startManagedWebLogic.cmd

Make sure that in the agentpath parameters you specify also port=11001 if port 10001 is already in use. YourKit says that it dynamically chooses another port but this didn't work for me.

Remove disablestacktelemetry (anyway you can still disable it runtime with a button).

In "Capture Memory Snapshot", enable HPROF format.

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