Monday, November 21, 2011

Version Information attached to a OSB Service/Project

If your customer he asks you "which version of a given service to we have in the TST environment?" you want to give him a 100% safe answer.

So you better find a way to return this info in a API.

Here is a way:

in each project (say POCVersioning), write a GetVersion proxy service:

Request Message Type = None
Response Message Type = XML

Replace [ node contents ] of [ . ] in [ body ] with XQuery Resource version

where "version" is a XQuery function like this:


At this point you can invoke from the browser


and you get back the <version>37</version> XML

Sounds silly? Maybe, but it saves a lot of trouble.

Of course, you want to assign automatically the version number in the automated build process (Hudson, Bamboo...) using some Maven/Ant/whatever versioning mechanism. Or just maintain it manually.

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