Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Revocation information for the security certificate for this site is not available.

one of our workstations was getting regularly this popup "Revocation information for the security certificate for this site is not available. Do you want to proceed?". It's a Windows 7 machine.

Clicking on "view certificate" it was showing one of our certificates. Opening the certificate we discovered that there is a Certificate Revocation List

They tried "Start, then Control Panel, then Internet Options, then Clear SSSL State", they also checked that the date/time was correct.

This article http://www.brighthub.com/internet/security-privacy/articles/82291.aspx is a sort of universal source of truth for this issue.

Then we discovered simply that the CRL URL was not accessible from that workstation, because the proxy was blocking it. Granting access to that URL solved the issue.

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