Wednesday, August 28, 2019

some tutorials on Jenkins Pipelines very pragmatic Simplilearn tutorial,

you can practice on which gives you a dockerized Jenkins with console

Awesome power-jenkins tip-pack :

- run Jenkins in Docker (jenkins/jenkins)

- select plugins you want to use (use plugins.txt to predefine a list of plugins)

- use agents, with swarm plugin to register, automate the agent provisioning and make them ephemeral

- don't use Maven jobs, because it's not reproduceable

- use pipelines, with Jenkinsfile (pipeline/stages/stage/steps)

- in pipelines, do all work on agents ("agent any")

- user input stage should be run on master, to avoid blocking executors ("agent none")

- limit number of stages

- don't change $env variable, use withEnv(["hello=world"]) instead

- parameters (?)

- use parallelism, for end to end tests , and performance tests and in separate nodes

- "scripted" is groovish for power user, declarative is ok for regular user

- pipelines should be small, they are orchestration tools... do the heavy stuff fin shell scripts which are easier to test

- in a pipeline everything is serializable so it can be resumed on failure (continuation-passing style)... but some classes are not serializable like groovy.text.StreamingTemplateEngine, then you have to wrap it

- BlueOcean plugin, with Editor for declarative pipelines

- use shared libraries in pipelines to reuse code, also reuse files

- use views to show only the jobs you are interested in

- BuildMonitor plugin to view jobs

- API in JSON or XML

- to-have plugins: BuildMonitor, Job Config History (to version freestyle jobs), Job DSL, Throttle Concurrent Builds, Timestamper, Version Number plugin & Build-name-setter

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