Having done the tutorial on how to write a Business Rule with Java BOM, once I deploy and try to get the WSDL the RES (Rule Execution Server) tells me:
This ruleset cannot be parsed. It uses a Java XOM, which is not supported by the hosted transparent decision service., error code: XU-WS10010
Yet, the "New Rule Project" gives you a template "Rule Project with a BOM" and it says:
This template creates a rule project using the following standard options :
Java XOM settings. Path on java folders, jars or projects.
Dynamic XOM settings. Path on XML schemas or dynamic XOM files.
Rule project references. Optional rule project dependencies.
In addition, BOM entries and verbalization are automatically created for each XOM specified.
The generated project enables you to edit rules and execute them.
Note: A XOM is a "Execution Object Model".
If you wonder what a "transparent" decision service is, you might have a read here, basically "transparent" means "exposed through WS":
"A hosted transparent decision service: this is essentially a ruleset deployed as a Web service. It is installed on the same application server as Rule Execution Server, then integrated with Rule Execution Server." It's also nicknamed htds.
So basically should I resort to using XSDs to specify input parameters, in order to expose my Rules as Web Services? Oh my my.... what an I missing?
Monday, May 31, 2010
JRules exposed via Web Services
Typically you have a RuleApp, which contains several RuleSets.
When you produce a RuleSet, you can write several BusinessRules in it.
Here http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/brjrules/v7r0m2/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.websphere.ilog.jrules.doc/Content/Business_Rules/Documentation/_pubskel/JRules/ps_JRules_Global800.html it says:
The decision service automatically generates a Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file for each deployed ruleset archive
In our example, helloWorldRuleApp contains helloWorldRuleApp,
and helloWorldRuleApp contains 2 BusinessRule: greetingsItalian and greetingsEnglish.
They will return respectively Buongiorno and Good morning!.
JRules exposes them automatically via Web Services, the endpoint looks like:
This will fire all the Rules inside the greetingsRuleset.
The result will be:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:ds="http://www.ilog.com/rules/DecisionService">
<DecisionServiceResponse xmlns="http://www.ilog.com/rules/DecisionService">
Good morning!</ilog.rules.outputString>
that is:
ilog.rules.outputString is the output of all the Rules invoked
ilog.rules.firedRulesCount is the count of the rules fired
The WSDL associated to the Web Service is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<wsdl:definitions targetNamespace="http://www.ilog.com/rules/DecisionService" xmlns:tns="http://www.ilog.com/rules/DecisionService" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/" xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/" xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/">
<xsd:schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="http://www.ilog.com/rules/DecisionService" xmlns:param="http://www.ilog.com/rules/param" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<xsd:import namespace="http://www.ilog.com/rules/param"/>
<xsd:element name="DecisionServiceRequest">
<xsd:element name="DecisionServiceResponse">
<xsd:element name="ilog.rules.outputString" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="ilog.rules.firedRulesCount" type="xsd:int"/>
<xsd:element name="DecisionServiceException">
<xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" name="exception" nillable="false" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:schema targetNamespace="http://www.ilog.com/rules/param" xmlns:ns0="http://www.ilog.com/rules/param"/>
<wsdl:message name="DecisionServiceSoapResponse">
<wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:DecisionServiceResponse">
<wsdl:message name="DecisionServiceSoapFault">
<wsdl:part name="fault" element="tns:DecisionServiceException">
<wsdl:message name="DecisionServiceSoapRequest">
<wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:DecisionServiceRequest">
<wsdl:portType name="DecisionServiceJRulesPVHelloWorld">
<wsdl:operation name="executeDecisionService">
<wsdl:input message="tns:DecisionServiceSoapRequest">
<wsdl:output message="tns:DecisionServiceSoapResponse">
<wsdl:fault name="DecisionServiceSoapFault" message="tns:DecisionServiceSoapFault">
<wsdl:binding name="DecisionServiceSOAP" type="tns:DecisionServiceJRulesPVHelloWorld">
<soap:binding style="document" transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http"/>
<wsdl:operation name="executeDecisionService">
<soap:operation soapAction="executeDecisionService" style="document"/>
<soap:body use="literal"/>
<soap:body use="literal"/>
<wsdl:fault name="DecisionServiceSoapFault">
<soap:fault name="DecisionServiceSoapFault" use="literal"/>
<wsdl:service name="DecisionServiceJRulesPVHelloWorld">
<wsdl:port name="DecisionServiceSOAPesp50ws17206.crb.acme.net" binding="tns:DecisionServiceSOAP">
<soap:address location="http://localhost:8080/DecisionService/ws/helloWorldRuleApp/1.0/greetingsRuleset/1.0"/>
Let's watch an example where you pass an XML parameter (thank you David Selman for your excellent presentation, but next time can you ask a beautiful girl to show her face instead of yours :O)? We are all men in this business and seing a girl once in a while would help...):
In fact it's all about invoking a Web Service, the video shows how to do it with a Eclipse Plugin and Axis2 Java generated code.
The way I see it is that there is a DecisionService servlet serving all RuleApps and acting as a Proxy to the Rules Engine.
When you produce a RuleSet, you can write several BusinessRules in it.
Here http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/brjrules/v7r0m2/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.websphere.ilog.jrules.doc/Content/Business_Rules/Documentation/_pubskel/JRules/ps_JRules_Global800.html it says:
The decision service automatically generates a Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file for each deployed ruleset archive
In our example, helloWorldRuleApp contains helloWorldRuleApp,
and helloWorldRuleApp contains 2 BusinessRule: greetingsItalian and greetingsEnglish.
They will return respectively Buongiorno and Good morning!.
JRules exposes them automatically via Web Services, the endpoint looks like:
This will fire all the Rules inside the greetingsRuleset.
The result will be:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:ds="http://www.ilog.com/rules/DecisionService">
<DecisionServiceResponse xmlns="http://www.ilog.com/rules/DecisionService">
Good morning!</ilog.rules.outputString>
that is:
ilog.rules.outputString is the output of all the Rules invoked
ilog.rules.firedRulesCount is the count of the rules fired
The WSDL associated to the Web Service is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<wsdl:definitions targetNamespace="http://www.ilog.com/rules/DecisionService" xmlns:tns="http://www.ilog.com/rules/DecisionService" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/" xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/" xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/">
<xsd:schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="http://www.ilog.com/rules/DecisionService" xmlns:param="http://www.ilog.com/rules/param" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<xsd:import namespace="http://www.ilog.com/rules/param"/>
<xsd:element name="DecisionServiceRequest">
<xsd:element name="DecisionServiceResponse">
<xsd:element name="ilog.rules.outputString" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="ilog.rules.firedRulesCount" type="xsd:int"/>
<xsd:element name="DecisionServiceException">
<xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" name="exception" nillable="false" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:schema targetNamespace="http://www.ilog.com/rules/param" xmlns:ns0="http://www.ilog.com/rules/param"/>
<wsdl:message name="DecisionServiceSoapResponse">
<wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:DecisionServiceResponse">
<wsdl:message name="DecisionServiceSoapFault">
<wsdl:part name="fault" element="tns:DecisionServiceException">
<wsdl:message name="DecisionServiceSoapRequest">
<wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:DecisionServiceRequest">
<wsdl:portType name="DecisionServiceJRulesPVHelloWorld">
<wsdl:operation name="executeDecisionService">
<wsdl:input message="tns:DecisionServiceSoapRequest">
<wsdl:output message="tns:DecisionServiceSoapResponse">
<wsdl:fault name="DecisionServiceSoapFault" message="tns:DecisionServiceSoapFault">
<wsdl:binding name="DecisionServiceSOAP" type="tns:DecisionServiceJRulesPVHelloWorld">
<soap:binding style="document" transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http"/>
<wsdl:operation name="executeDecisionService">
<soap:operation soapAction="executeDecisionService" style="document"/>
<soap:body use="literal"/>
<soap:body use="literal"/>
<wsdl:fault name="DecisionServiceSoapFault">
<soap:fault name="DecisionServiceSoapFault" use="literal"/>
<wsdl:service name="DecisionServiceJRulesPVHelloWorld">
<wsdl:port name="DecisionServiceSOAPesp50ws17206.crb.acme.net" binding="tns:DecisionServiceSOAP">
<soap:address location="http://localhost:8080/DecisionService/ws/helloWorldRuleApp/1.0/greetingsRuleset/1.0"/>
Let's watch an example where you pass an XML parameter (thank you David Selman for your excellent presentation, but next time can you ask a beautiful girl to show her face instead of yours :O)? We are all men in this business and seing a girl once in a while would help...):
In fact it's all about invoking a Web Service, the video shows how to do it with a Eclipse Plugin and Axis2 Java generated code.
The way I see it is that there is a DecisionService servlet serving all RuleApps and acting as a Proxy to the Rules Engine.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
WLST development with PyDev in Eclipse
My understanding is that Satya Ghattu has not been working on WLST for quite some time (cmiiaw)
and his blog doesn't say much on this topic.
I really wish Oracle put some development effort in WLST as honestly it's a bit primitive and lacks many features that for a Java Developer are essential (debugging, remote debugging, a proper IDE etc).
When people say "just use notepad" it makes me FURIOUS, it's like saying a surgeon "just use a Swiss Army knife instead of a bisturi"....
So in an attempt to make my WLST life easier...
download Python 2.6.5 here (is Python required? I don't think so)
and Jython here (Is Jython required? NO! You already have C:\bea11\oracle_common\util\jython\jython.jar !)
install into Eclipse the PyDev plugin by following their instructions:
DO NOT declare the system variable PYTHONPATH as c:\Python26, since this will be done automatically by the Intepreter configuration wizard
Configure the Intepreter (Window/Preferences/Pydev/Interpreter Jython...)
specifying C:\Python26\python.exe for Python
and accept the path proposed by default.
Configure the Jython Intepreter (WLST IS Jython, so.... who cares about the Python interpreter!)
and specify
and accept the defaults.
mmm it doesn't seem to recognize the WLST commands, like connect and edit... there must be some trick...
ok I give up for lack of time and itnerest, if anyone knows the answer please write a comment.
and his blog doesn't say much on this topic.
I really wish Oracle put some development effort in WLST as honestly it's a bit primitive and lacks many features that for a Java Developer are essential (debugging, remote debugging, a proper IDE etc).
When people say "just use notepad" it makes me FURIOUS, it's like saying a surgeon "just use a Swiss Army knife instead of a bisturi"....
So in an attempt to make my WLST life easier...
download Python 2.6.5 here (is Python required? I don't think so)
and Jython here (Is Jython required? NO! You already have C:\bea11\oracle_common\util\jython\jython.jar !)
install into Eclipse the PyDev plugin by following their instructions:
DO NOT declare the system variable PYTHONPATH as c:\Python26, since this will be done automatically by the Intepreter configuration wizard
Configure the Intepreter (Window/Preferences/Pydev/Interpreter Jython...)
specifying C:\Python26\python.exe for Python
and accept the path proposed by default.
Configure the Jython Intepreter (WLST IS Jython, so.... who cares about the Python interpreter!)
and specify
and accept the defaults.
mmm it doesn't seem to recognize the WLST commands, like connect and edit... there must be some trick...
ok I give up for lack of time and itnerest, if anyone knows the answer please write a comment.
Friday, May 28, 2010
OSB inspection through WSIL
There are 2 interesting Servlet mappings available:
this will give you:
this will give
this will give you:
<ins:link referencedNamespace="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2001/10/inspection/" location="http://localhost:7001/sbinspection.wsil?refpath=OSBProject1">
<ins:abstract>LinkType: Project</ins:abstract>
<ins:link referencedNamespace="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2001/10/inspection/" location="http://localhost:7001/sbinspection.wsil?refpath=CoherenceEJBProject">
<ins:abstract>LinkType: Project</ins:abstract>
<ins:link referencedNamespace="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2001/10/inspection/" location="http://localhost:7001/sbinspection.wsil?refpath=MichalProject">
<ins:abstract>LinkType: Project</ins:abstract>
this will give
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<inspection xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2001/10/inspection/">
<link referencedNamespace="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2001/10/inspection/" location="http://localhost:7001/inspection.wsil?appname=WS Transport Async Applcation">
<abstract>WS Transport Async Applcation</abstract>
<link referencedNamespace="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2001/10/inspection/" location="http://localhost:7001/inspection.wsil?appname=ALSB Subscription Listener">
<abstract>ALSB Subscription Listener</abstract>
<link referencedNamespace="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2001/10/inspection/" location="http://localhost:7001/inspection.wsil?appname=wls-wsat">
<link referencedNamespace="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2001/10/inspection/" location="http://localhost:7001/inspection.wsil?appname=bea_wls9_async_response">
JRules: Getting Started in 3 minutes (aka JRules for Dummies)
Installation is easy, anyway here
you have some instructions.
After you complete installation, run IBM WebSphere ILOG JRules V7.0.2/Samples Console
It will take a couple of minutes to start Tomcat. When you see
28-05-2010 09:36:15 org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start
INFO: Server startup in 138229 ms
open a browser, Rule Team Server console is:
and Rule Execution Server console is:
Some acronyms:
ILR = ILOG Rule Language
XU = Execution Unit
XOM = XML Object Model
Now, in Eclipse Studio right click, new Rule Project, select Hello World Rule Project. I will call it JRulesPVHelloWorld.
Right click, export Ruleset Archive, ruleProject=/JRulesPVHelloWorld, save to C:\temp\greetings.jar
This will create a IRL, META-INF and RESOURCES directories, with some irl etc files:
main-rfl.irl file:
flowtask main {
property mainflowtask = true;
body {
ruletask main#helloworld {
algorithm = default;
ordering = dynamic;
body {
greetings-brl.irl file:
package helloworld {
rule greetings {
property status = "new";
when {
IlrContext() from ?context;
evaluate (helloworld.Clock.currentTime.compareTo(new ilog.rules.brl.Time(ilog.rules.brl.IlrDateUtil.getLocalTime(1970, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1))) < 0);
} then {
ilog.rules.brl.System.printMessage("Good morning!");
} else {
ilog.rules.brl.System.printMessage("Good afternoon!");
plus a descriptor file with all the BOM and XOM and METADATA. The b2x files contain some horrendous XML to map Java code into functions that JRules engine can use.... XML! Mothers, keep your childer home, XML is around!
Anyway.... log into http://localhost:8080/res , add RuleApp (I call it PVRuleApp), add Ruleset, I call it PVGreetingsRuleset, and choose as archive the JAR exported from Eclipse...
Click on the WSDL, copy the URL, open SoapUI, create a new project and give it the WSDL url.... and off you go, you are ready to invoke the rule via WS!
Here you can find a more complete presentation, including how to pass parameters to a Ruleset
you have some instructions.
After you complete installation, run IBM WebSphere ILOG JRules V7.0.2/Samples Console
It will take a couple of minutes to start Tomcat. When you see
28-05-2010 09:36:15 org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start
INFO: Server startup in 138229 ms
open a browser, Rule Team Server console is:
and Rule Execution Server console is:
Some acronyms:
ILR = ILOG Rule Language
XU = Execution Unit
XOM = XML Object Model
Now, in Eclipse Studio right click, new Rule Project, select Hello World Rule Project. I will call it JRulesPVHelloWorld.
Right click, export Ruleset Archive, ruleProject=/JRulesPVHelloWorld, save to C:\temp\greetings.jar
This will create a IRL, META-INF and RESOURCES directories, with some irl etc files:
main-rfl.irl file:
flowtask main {
property mainflowtask = true;
body {
ruletask main#helloworld {
algorithm = default;
ordering = dynamic;
body {
greetings-brl.irl file:
package helloworld {
rule greetings {
property status = "new";
when {
IlrContext() from ?context;
evaluate (helloworld.Clock.currentTime.compareTo(new ilog.rules.brl.Time(ilog.rules.brl.IlrDateUtil.getLocalTime(1970, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1))) < 0);
} then {
ilog.rules.brl.System.printMessage("Good morning!");
} else {
ilog.rules.brl.System.printMessage("Good afternoon!");
plus a descriptor file with all the BOM and XOM and METADATA. The b2x files contain some horrendous XML to map Java code into functions that JRules engine can use.... XML! Mothers, keep your childer home, XML is around!
Anyway.... log into http://localhost:8080/res , add RuleApp (I call it PVRuleApp), add Ruleset, I call it PVGreetingsRuleset, and choose as archive the JAR exported from Eclipse...
Click on the WSDL, copy the URL, open SoapUI, create a new project and give it the WSDL url.... and off you go, you are ready to invoke the rule via WS!
Here you can find a more complete presentation, including how to pass parameters to a Ruleset
Thursday, May 27, 2010
OSB integration with JRules through SOAP or EJB
First, let's get familiar with this new baby, JRules; this can be done simply by playing with her.
Download JRules 7.0 binaries (including Tomcat, Derby etc):
(you need to have an account with IBM, it's free anyhow)
You can deploy JRules to WebLogic - it's only a bunch of EARs. In this case you access this way:
The Console gives you:
Explorer - this contains the Navigator, to display the RuleApps and the Decision Services
You can Create a RuleApp, add RuleSet to a RuleApp by provinding a Ruleset Archive.
Decision Warehouse
Server Info
In WebLogic console, view the JNDI tree and you will see this:
Binding Name: eis.XUConnectionFactory
Class: ilog.rules.res.xu.cci.IlrXUConnectionFactory
Unfortunately the JRules manual says:
"EJB3 bindings are supported for the JBoss 4.2/5.0, WebSphere 7;0 application servers."
which doesn't sound good if you use WebLogic.
Anyway ilog/rules/res/xu/cci/IlrXUConnectionFactory.class is in these 2 JARs:
C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphereILOGJRules702\executionserver\lib\jrules-res-execution.jar:
C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphereILOGJRules702\executionserver\lib\jrules-res-session-java.jar:
it mentions:
"how to execute a simple stateless rule session on a Java EE application server...by using a Java client."
and here
a promising tutorial on how to invoke JRules from WebLogic Workshop.
Download JRules 7.0 binaries (including Tomcat, Derby etc):
(you need to have an account with IBM, it's free anyhow)
You can deploy JRules to WebLogic - it's only a bunch of EARs. In this case you access this way:
The Console gives you:
Explorer - this contains the Navigator, to display the RuleApps and the Decision Services
You can Create a RuleApp, add RuleSet to a RuleApp by provinding a Ruleset Archive.
Decision Warehouse
Server Info
In WebLogic console, view the JNDI tree and you will see this:
Binding Name: eis.XUConnectionFactory
Class: ilog.rules.res.xu.cci.IlrXUConnectionFactory
Unfortunately the JRules manual says:
"EJB3 bindings are supported for the JBoss 4.2/5.0, WebSphere 7;0 application servers."
which doesn't sound good if you use WebLogic.
Anyway ilog/rules/res/xu/cci/IlrXUConnectionFactory.class is in these 2 JARs:
C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphereILOGJRules702\executionserver\lib\jrules-res-execution.jar:
C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphereILOGJRules702\executionserver\lib\jrules-res-session-java.jar:
it mentions:
"how to execute a simple stateless rule session on a Java EE application server...by using a Java client."
and here
a promising tutorial on how to invoke JRules from WebLogic Workshop.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
OSB and EJB 3.0 Client Jar File
Now, we want to expose an EJB 3.0 Stateless Session Bean in a Business Service in OSB11.
Create an EJB 3.0 Project, and ASSOCIATE IT to a EAR, and enable generation of EJB Client Jar.
The EJB will look like this:
package com.lassi.mejb;
import javax.ejb.Stateless;
* Session Bean implementation class LassiEJB
public class LassiEJB implements LassiEJBRemote, LassiEJBLocal {
* Default constructor.
public LassiEJB() {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
public String hello(String message) {
System.out.println("message=" + message);
return "hello " + message;
public String helloLocal(String message) {
System.out.println("messagelocal=" + message);
return "hellolocal " + message;
and the interfaces:
package com.lassi.mejb;
import javax.ejb.Remote;
public interface LassiEJBRemote {
String hello(String message);
package com.lassi.mejb;
import javax.ejb.Local;
public interface LassiEJBLocal {
String helloLocal(String message);
To generate the Client EJB Jar, just export the EAR project as an EAR, then unzip it.
You will get a LassiEJBProjectClient.jar in APP-INF/lib.
Otherwise you can right-click on the EJB project, choose Java EE Tools and Generate EJB Client JAR.
Make sure that your Local and Remote interfaces are created in the EJBClient project, otherwise your EJB Client JAR will contain only the manifest.mf file and you will be very disappointed.
THIS EJB Client JAR is the JAR you need to import into OSB.
To find the JNDI name of your EJB click on the WLServer in the console and look into "View JNDI tree".
It should be something like LassiEARLassiEJBProject_jarLassiEJB_Home
Also, in OSB create a JNDI provider with t3://localhost:7001 and call it myjndiprovider
Create a Business Service, Transport Typed,
the URI will be like ejb:myjndiprovider:LassiEJB#com.lassi.mejb.LassiEJBRemote
In the Business Interface you can choose the Local or the Remote interface (of course if you choose Local it will be faster! But if you use the JNDI name of the Remote interface it will not work... I presume ???? )....
At the end, if you get a
java.lang.ClassCastException: weblogic.ejb.container.internal.StatelessEJBHomeImpl
or a
java.lang.ClassCastException: $Proxy224
at com.bea.wli.sb.transports.ejb.Jws.hellopierrelocal(Unknown Source)
most likely it means you are binding to the wrong JNDI name...
Create an EJB 3.0 Project, and ASSOCIATE IT to a EAR, and enable generation of EJB Client Jar.
The EJB will look like this:
package com.lassi.mejb;
import javax.ejb.Stateless;
* Session Bean implementation class LassiEJB
public class LassiEJB implements LassiEJBRemote, LassiEJBLocal {
* Default constructor.
public LassiEJB() {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
public String hello(String message) {
System.out.println("message=" + message);
return "hello " + message;
public String helloLocal(String message) {
System.out.println("messagelocal=" + message);
return "hellolocal " + message;
and the interfaces:
package com.lassi.mejb;
import javax.ejb.Remote;
public interface LassiEJBRemote {
String hello(String message);
package com.lassi.mejb;
import javax.ejb.Local;
public interface LassiEJBLocal {
String helloLocal(String message);
To generate the Client EJB Jar, just export the EAR project as an EAR, then unzip it.
You will get a LassiEJBProjectClient.jar in APP-INF/lib.
Otherwise you can right-click on the EJB project, choose Java EE Tools and Generate EJB Client JAR.
Make sure that your Local and Remote interfaces are created in the EJBClient project, otherwise your EJB Client JAR will contain only the manifest.mf file and you will be very disappointed.
THIS EJB Client JAR is the JAR you need to import into OSB.
To find the JNDI name of your EJB click on the WLServer in the console and look into "View JNDI tree".
It should be something like LassiEARLassiEJBProject_jarLassiEJB_Home
Also, in OSB create a JNDI provider with t3://localhost:7001 and call it myjndiprovider
Create a Business Service, Transport Typed,
the URI will be like ejb:myjndiprovider:LassiEJB#com.lassi.mejb.LassiEJBRemote
In the Business Interface you can choose the Local or the Remote interface (of course if you choose Local it will be faster! But if you use the JNDI name of the Remote interface it will not work... I presume ???? )....
At the end, if you get a
java.lang.ClassCastException: weblogic.ejb.container.internal.StatelessEJBHomeImpl
or a
java.lang.ClassCastException: $Proxy224
at com.bea.wli.sb.transports.ejb.Jws.hellopierrelocal(Unknown Source)
most likely it means you are binding to the wrong JNDI name...
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
OSB: what is deployed in the OSB domain?
FMW Welcome Page Application:
this is the Fusion MiddleWare welcome page (???? what is this exactly?)
DMS Application
DMS is Dynamic Monitoring System
(The Oracle Dynamic Monitoring Service (DMS) consists of a small set of simple Sensor classes that help Java programmers to measure important events and status values in their applications.)
(WSIL is the Web Service Inspection Language)
ALSB Cluster Singleton Marker Application
Its listener is com.bea.wli.sb.init.MarkerAppListener
which is in sb-kernel-wls.jar
ALSB Domain Singleton Marker Application
The ALSB Domain Singleton Marker Application is responsible for the collection and aggregation of data from all managed servers in the domain.
Its listener is com.bea.wli.sb.init.MarkerAppListener
which is in sb-kernel-wls.jar and which does absolutely nothing.
ALSB Framework Starter Application
ALSB Coherence Cache Provider
XBus Kernel
with subdeployment
XBus HTTP Transport Webapp
ALSB Subscription Listener
JMS Reporting Provider
Message Reporting Purger
...... more to come.... I want to discover who is who...and who does what...
this is the Fusion MiddleWare welcome page (???? what is this exactly?)
DMS Application
DMS is Dynamic Monitoring System
(The Oracle Dynamic Monitoring Service (DMS) consists of a small set of simple Sensor classes that help Java programmers to measure important events and status values in their applications.)
(WSIL is the Web Service Inspection Language)
ALSB Cluster Singleton Marker Application
Its listener is com.bea.wli.sb.init.MarkerAppListener
which is in sb-kernel-wls.jar
ALSB Domain Singleton Marker Application
The ALSB Domain Singleton Marker Application is responsible for the collection and aggregation of data from all managed servers in the domain.
Its listener is com.bea.wli.sb.init.MarkerAppListener
which is in sb-kernel-wls.jar and which does absolutely nothing.
ALSB Framework Starter Application
ALSB Coherence Cache Provider
XBus Kernel
with subdeployment
XBus HTTP Transport Webapp
ALSB Subscription Listener
JMS Reporting Provider
Message Reporting Purger
...... more to come.... I want to discover who is who...and who does what...
OSB Local Transport with Java Request Message Type
I am invoking a Proxy Service defined as
"Local Transport with Java Request Message Type and Java Response Message Type"
and, not matter whan I specify as a payload, I get a:
BEA-382054 :
The documentation says:
but the OSB11 documentation doesn't mention Java Request Message Type... so I am not sure what should the java-content should look like....
This http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E13159_01/osb/docs10gr3/userguide/context.html#wp1106656 might give some clues... in fact you are supposed to have in the body an element
<java-content ref="cid:kkkkeeeeyyyy"/>
"Local Transport with Java Request Message Type and Java Response Message Type"
and, not matter whan I specify as a payload, I get a:
BEA-382054 :
Expected [[http://www.bea.com/wli/sb/context]java-content] element under $body is missing or invalid |
The documentation says:
Error: Expected [[http://www.bea.com/wli/sb/context]java-content] element under $body is missing or invalid
Description | Services of Messaging Type : Java are expected to contain a valid [[http://www.bea.com/wli/sb/context]java-content] child element under $body. |
Action | Make sure the contents of $body conforms to expected format. One can use Log action to log and examine the contents of any message context variable, including $body |
but the OSB11 documentation doesn't mention Java Request Message Type... so I am not sure what should the java-content should look like....
This http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E13159_01/osb/docs10gr3/userguide/context.html#wp1106656 might give some clues... in fact you are supposed to have in the body an element
<java-content ref="cid:kkkkeeeeyyyy"/>
Monday, May 24, 2010
AmberPoint for Dummies
So, you are lined up for a telephone inteview where you must pretend to have working experience with AmberPoint. Here is some BS you might reuse. If you get hired, send me a penny.
Amberpoint Management System (AMS) can be configured using these components:
plug-in agents
proxy agents
nano-agents (for EJBs, JDBC and RMI services, made by observer + monitor)
client side agents (to act as Security and Performance Monitoring proxy on the client side)
It offers:
- Container Discovery of Services (at startup)
- Publication of Services to a UDDI registry
- Dynamic Discovery of Service interdependency- at operation level
- Monitoring of Service/Operation performance
- Monitoring of Service/Operation faults
- Establish Correlations (=interrelated service operation calls)
- Monitor Correlations performance and faults
- Create "Conditions" (=observable pattern on a Service invokation) based on faults or on specific error response codes
- Report a configurable timeout on a Correlation
- Identify Service consumers (Customers) and provide statistics of Service Utilization per Customer
- Monitor SLA (performance, availability)
- Message Routing
- Message Logging on a per-service level
Using Environment Monitor (EM) enables:
- Automatic Fault Resolution, by constructing an action list
Amberpoint Management System (AMS) can be configured using these components:
plug-in agents
proxy agents
nano-agents (for EJBs, JDBC and RMI services, made by observer + monitor)
client side agents (to act as Security and Performance Monitoring proxy on the client side)
It offers:
- Container Discovery of Services (at startup)
- Publication of Services to a UDDI registry
- Dynamic Discovery of Service interdependency- at operation level
- Monitoring of Service/Operation performance
- Monitoring of Service/Operation faults
- Establish Correlations (=interrelated service operation calls)
- Monitor Correlations performance and faults
- Create "Conditions" (=observable pattern on a Service invokation) based on faults or on specific error response codes
- Report a configurable timeout on a Correlation
- Identify Service consumers (Customers) and provide statistics of Service Utilization per Customer
- Monitor SLA (performance, availability)
- Message Routing
- Message Logging on a per-service level
Using Environment Monitor (EM) enables:
- Automatic Fault Resolution, by constructing an action list
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Java Classpath Sucks
I am planning to develop this concept as I brood more over it...
Anyway here is my initial thought:
As a developer, I am interested to develop and test code.
Anything else is a pain in the neck.
I HATE configuration work. It's boring, it's non-creative, it's conceptually very low level.
YET I find myself wasting HUMONGOUS amount of time troubleshooting configuration issues, ESPECIALLY bloody CLASSPATH issues.
Classpath issues come mainly in 3 flavour:
1A) the JAR containing the class is not available on your HD (go, download the right version, add the jar to your CLASSPATH)
1B) you have the JAR but it's not in your CLASSPATH (add it to the classpath)
2) you have the JAR, but it's the wrong version - you will notice usually for some unexpected exception, you will google and hopefully you will find someone saying "if you use version N of library Y then you must use version M or library X...).... download the right version, remove the previous from the CLASSPATH and add the right one
3) you have the same class in 2 different JARs, and of course the WRONG version of the class is in the JAR which appears first in the CLASSPATH.... this is a VERY nasty case, usually very hard to detect.
Now, Maven has done a good job at organizing dependencies, BUT you must use Maven, and be very organized.
So, why on earth the Java language doesn't contain some internal mechanisms to address these issues? Like, an internal Maven-like mechanisms which analyzes your code for dependencies, knows where to download the JAR and automatically does it for you and add it to your classpath?
Or, some expert system detecting the known incompatibilities and flagging them to you? Or, an automated way to detect multiple instances of the same class in the classpath?
We still have a long way to go before the Java developer job is made hassle-free.... probably by then Java will be extinct and maintained only by some nostalgic old developer.
Java founding fathers probably were aware that point 3 would be an issue, so they introduced the JAR SEALING feature.... which is basically never used by anybody and in any case addresses only some basic issues.
In Java 7 they will introduce MODULES, so a class can be accessed only by classes belonging to the same module. This adds a new dimension to the class versioning technology. A class is no longer GLOBAL, exposed via a CLASSPATH, but only LOCAL to a MODULE.
Here http://www.slideshare.net/gal.marder/whats-expected-in-java-7-1116123 a cool presentation on what is new in Java 7.
Anyway here is my initial thought:
As a developer, I am interested to develop and test code.
Anything else is a pain in the neck.
I HATE configuration work. It's boring, it's non-creative, it's conceptually very low level.
YET I find myself wasting HUMONGOUS amount of time troubleshooting configuration issues, ESPECIALLY bloody CLASSPATH issues.
Classpath issues come mainly in 3 flavour:
1A) the JAR containing the class is not available on your HD (go, download the right version, add the jar to your CLASSPATH)
1B) you have the JAR but it's not in your CLASSPATH (add it to the classpath)
2) you have the JAR, but it's the wrong version - you will notice usually for some unexpected exception, you will google and hopefully you will find someone saying "if you use version N of library Y then you must use version M or library X...).... download the right version, remove the previous from the CLASSPATH and add the right one
3) you have the same class in 2 different JARs, and of course the WRONG version of the class is in the JAR which appears first in the CLASSPATH.... this is a VERY nasty case, usually very hard to detect.
Now, Maven has done a good job at organizing dependencies, BUT you must use Maven, and be very organized.
So, why on earth the Java language doesn't contain some internal mechanisms to address these issues? Like, an internal Maven-like mechanisms which analyzes your code for dependencies, knows where to download the JAR and automatically does it for you and add it to your classpath?
Or, some expert system detecting the known incompatibilities and flagging them to you? Or, an automated way to detect multiple instances of the same class in the classpath?
We still have a long way to go before the Java developer job is made hassle-free.... probably by then Java will be extinct and maintained only by some nostalgic old developer.
Java founding fathers probably were aware that point 3 would be an issue, so they introduced the JAR SEALING feature.... which is basically never used by anybody and in any case addresses only some basic issues.
In Java 7 they will introduce MODULES, so a class can be accessed only by classes belonging to the same module. This adds a new dimension to the class versioning technology. A class is no longer GLOBAL, exposed via a CLASSPATH, but only LOCAL to a MODULE.
Here http://www.slideshare.net/gal.marder/whats-expected-in-java-7-1116123 a cool presentation on what is new in Java 7.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
OSB, Eclipse and Axis2
If you plan to use Axis2 as a runtime for Web Services clients, remember that you should download axis2-1.4.1, and not the latest release, otherwise you will get :
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/http/HttpResponseFactory
at org.apache.axis2.transport.http.SimpleHTTPServer.init(SimpleHTTPServer.java:116)
at org.apache.axis2.engine.ListenerManager.init(ListenerManager.java:74)
at org.apache.axis2.context.ConfigurationContext.getListenerManager(ConfigurationContext.java:692)
at org.apache.axis2.client.ServiceClient.configureServiceClient(ServiceClient.java:163)
at org.apache.axis2.client.ServiceClient.(ServiceClient.java:143)
All this is very sad. There is never a bloody compatibility check in Java classes and Jars... all the time you must discover which version goes with which by trial and error, exceptions and painful googling for explanations.... I would expect in 2010 a mature language like Java would enforce a standardization on library compatibility...
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/http/HttpResponseFactory
at org.apache.axis2.transport.http.SimpleHTTPServer.init(SimpleHTTPServer.java:116)
at org.apache.axis2.engine.ListenerManager.init(ListenerManager.java:74)
at org.apache.axis2.context.ConfigurationContext.getListenerManager(ConfigurationContext.java:692)
at org.apache.axis2.client.ServiceClient.configureServiceClient(ServiceClient.java:163)
at org.apache.axis2.client.ServiceClient.
All this is very sad. There is never a bloody compatibility check in Java classes and Jars... all the time you must discover which version goes with which by trial and error, exceptions and painful googling for explanations.... I would expect in 2010 a mature language like Java would enforce a standardization on library compatibility...
Amberpoint Amberpoint on the wall, who in the land is fairest of all?
I am reading the Introduction to Amberpoint Management System, I felt this absolutely touching, story of my life:
Monitoring this process that crosses application, container, and network boundaries
poses many challenges. Are users experiencing significant delays? Are faults being
generated? If transactions are failing, at what point are they failing? What is the dollar
cost per fault being generated? Typically, these questions can only be answered by
trolling through reams of log files gathered from distributed machines, potentially
owned by different development teams. Worse, this work is usually forensic in nature.
The transaction has already failed and there is little that can be done until all of the
logs are collected and the various teams have sorted through the problems. Any
corrections must go through the development and deployment process, further
magnifying the expense of time and money.
To address these challenges, the complete transaction should be visible in real time:
each cooperating piece of infrastructure and service should be able to obtain the
policies that indicate how requests should be treated and how to report information
about performance, errors, and conditions of interest to the business owner. One
possibility would be to have all SOA components (services, containers, logging
infrastructure, security infrastructure) provide standard management handles that
enable them to transmit performance and dependency information and to enforce
policies that align performance with business goals. Unfortunately, these standards do
not yet exist. Even if they did exist, it is unlikely they could be sufficiently broad to
accommodate the heterogeneity of SOA or to anticipate component types yet to be
invented. An alternative solution would be to support management functions by
instrumenting the environment in which SOA applications run. By adding a
configurable management layer, it would be possible to retain all the advantages of
SOA design without incurring additional costs at production time.
Monitoring this process that crosses application, container, and network boundaries
poses many challenges. Are users experiencing significant delays? Are faults being
generated? If transactions are failing, at what point are they failing? What is the dollar
cost per fault being generated? Typically, these questions can only be answered by
trolling through reams of log files gathered from distributed machines, potentially
owned by different development teams. Worse, this work is usually forensic in nature.
The transaction has already failed and there is little that can be done until all of the
logs are collected and the various teams have sorted through the problems. Any
corrections must go through the development and deployment process, further
magnifying the expense of time and money.
To address these challenges, the complete transaction should be visible in real time:
each cooperating piece of infrastructure and service should be able to obtain the
policies that indicate how requests should be treated and how to report information
about performance, errors, and conditions of interest to the business owner. One
possibility would be to have all SOA components (services, containers, logging
infrastructure, security infrastructure) provide standard management handles that
enable them to transmit performance and dependency information and to enforce
policies that align performance with business goals. Unfortunately, these standards do
not yet exist. Even if they did exist, it is unlikely they could be sufficiently broad to
accommodate the heterogeneity of SOA or to anticipate component types yet to be
invented. An alternative solution would be to support management functions by
instrumenting the environment in which SOA applications run. By adding a
configurable management layer, it would be possible to retain all the advantages of
SOA design without incurring additional costs at production time.
Friday, May 21, 2010
OSB: coherence and caching
makes a good reading just to get an idea of how to make a CacheService invoking Coherence. The service can be exposed with a LOCAL transport protocol to avoid marshalling/unmarshalling.
In a nutshell it says: you can cache either Service State (e.g. for a BPM the serialized state of a Process Instance) or Service Result (the result of a DB query).
Cache-aside means: 1) readFromCache 2) miss 3) retrieveFromDB 4) storeInCache
next time you read the same key, you have a hit.
This is very illuminating:
Oracle Coherence offers a Java API; a native service call from BPEL to Coherence was a preference over a standard web service interface. The performance overhead of invoking web service operations is several orders of magnitude larger than that of invoking native Java classes. That's because marshaling and un-marshaling XML, processing SOAP envelopes, etc. are expensive operations.
Note the use of
to avoid creating a different cache per each classloader in the application! Well done!
(don't forget to set the classloader again to its previous value!)
makes a good reading just to get an idea of how to make a CacheService invoking Coherence. The service can be exposed with a LOCAL transport protocol to avoid marshalling/unmarshalling.
In a nutshell it says: you can cache either Service State (e.g. for a BPM the serialized state of a Process Instance) or Service Result (the result of a DB query).
Cache-aside means: 1) readFromCache 2) miss 3) retrieveFromDB 4) storeInCache
next time you read the same key, you have a hit.
This is very illuminating:
Oracle Coherence offers a Java API; a native service call from BPEL to Coherence was a preference over a standard web service interface. The performance overhead of invoking web service operations is several orders of magnitude larger than that of invoking native Java classes. That's because marshaling and un-marshaling XML, processing SOAP envelopes, etc. are expensive operations.
Note the use of
to avoid creating a different cache per each classloader in the application! Well done!
(don't forget to set the classloader again to its previous value!)
OSB: performance monitoring
It's important to understand which JEE modules are involved in a request processing.
I am here hammering with 100 concurrent threads a simple Proxy Service, /OSBProject1/ProxyService1, which appears in the Web Applications list but as "Unprepared".
There are many wars involved: xbuslogging.war, xbuspublish.war, xbusrouting.war, xbustransform.war, but mainly it's httpTransport.war who seems to be the entry point for each request.
httpTransport.war is deployed in a kernelEar (C:\bea11\Oracle_OSB11\lib\kernelEar), whose application name is XBus Kernel. This animal contains a HttpEndPointCreator, which probably is responsible for the dynamic creation of the /OSBProject1/ProxyService1 endpoint.
I am here hammering with 100 concurrent threads a simple Proxy Service, /OSBProject1/ProxyService1, which appears in the Web Applications list but as "Unprepared".
There are many wars involved: xbuslogging.war, xbuspublish.war, xbusrouting.war, xbustransform.war, but mainly it's httpTransport.war who seems to be the entry point for each request.
httpTransport.war is deployed in a kernelEar (C:\bea11\Oracle_OSB11\lib\kernelEar), whose application name is XBus Kernel. This animal contains a HttpEndPointCreator, which probably is responsible for the dynamic creation of the /OSBProject1/ProxyService1 endpoint.
Web Applications (Filtered - More Columns Exist) | ||||||
| State | Source Information | Maximum Sessions on Any Server | Application | Servlets | |
Active | fmw-welcome.war | 0 | FMW Welcome Page Application ( | 3 | ||
/alsb-uddi | Active | com/bea/wli/sb/uddi/auto/UDDISubscriptionListenerImpl.war | 0 | ALSB Subscription Listener | 4 | |
/alsb/ws/_async | Active | bea_alsb_ws_async_response.war | 0 | WS Transport Async Applcation | 9 | |
/dms | Active | dms.war | 0 | DMS Application ( | 4 | |
/httpTransport | Active | httpTransport.war | 0 | XBus Kernel | 3 | |
/inspection.wsil | Active | wsil.war | 0 | wsil-wls | 4 | |
/OSBProject1/ProxyService1 | Unprepared | httpTransport.war | 0 | XBus Kernel | 4 | |
/sbconsole | Active | webapp | 1 | ServiceBus_Console | 14 | |
/sbinspection.wsil | Active | wsil.war | 0 | ALSB WSIL | 4 | |
/sbresource | Active | sbresource.war | 0 | ALSB Resource | 4 | |
/sbtestservice | Active | sbTestFwk.war | 0 | ALSB Test Framework | 4 | |
/xbuslogging | Active | xbuslogging.war | 0 | ALSB Logging | 6 | |
/xbuspublish | Active | xbuspublish.war | 0 | ALSB Publish | 6 | |
/xbusrouting | Active | xbusrouting.war | 0 | ALSB Routing | 6 | |
/xbustransform | Active | xbustransform.war | 0 | ALSB Transform | 6 | |
OSB thread dump on XQuery parser
I am logging $body during this Thread Dump.... interesting stuff... OSB internally uses Apache XMLBeans and Apache Piccolo Sax Parser
Also interesting that whenever XQuery wants to read a variable it calls
I have put in BOLD the focal points.
"[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'" id=18 idx=0x48 tid=928 prio=5 alive, native_blocked, daemon
at org/apache/xmlbeans/impl/piccolo/util/CharStringConverter.hashKey(CharStringConverter.java:168)
at org/apache/xmlbeans/impl/piccolo/util/CharStringConverter.convert(CharStringConverter.java:97)
at org/apache/xmlbeans/impl/piccolo/xml/PiccoloLexer.parseCdataLiteral(PiccoloLexer.java:3025)
at org/apache/xmlbeans/impl/piccolo/xml/PiccoloLexer.parseQuotedTagValue(PiccoloLexer.java:2936)
at org/apache/xmlbeans/impl/piccolo/xml/PiccoloLexer.parseAttributesNS(PiccoloLexer.java:1754)
at org/apache/xmlbeans/impl/piccolo/xml/PiccoloLexer.parseOpenTagNS(PiccoloLexer.java:1521)
at org/apache/xmlbeans/impl/piccolo/xml/PiccoloLexer.parseTagNS(PiccoloLexer.java:1362)
at org/apache/xmlbeans/impl/piccolo/xml/PiccoloLexer.yylex(PiccoloLexer.java:4678)
at org/apache/xmlbeans/impl/piccolo/xml/Piccolo.yylex(Piccolo.java:1290)
at org/apache/xmlbeans/impl/piccolo/xml/Piccolo.yyparse(Piccolo.java:1400)
at org/apache/xmlbeans/impl/piccolo/xml/Piccolo.parse(Piccolo.java:714)
at org/apache/xmlbeans/impl/store/Locale$SaxLoader.load(Locale.java:3456)
at org/apache/xmlbeans/impl/store/Locale.parseToXmlObject(Locale.java:1278)
at org/apache/xmlbeans/impl/store/Locale.parseToXmlObject(Locale.java:1252)
at org/apache/xmlbeans/impl/schema/SchemaTypeLoaderBase.parse(SchemaTypeLoaderBase.java:345)
at org/apache/xmlbeans/XmlObject$Factory.parse(XmlObject.java:747)
at com/bea/wli/sb/sources/XmlObjectSource.getInstance(XmlObjectSource.java:203)
at com/bea/wli/sb/sources/XmlObjectTransformer.getXmlObjectSource(XmlObjectTransformer.java:199)
at com/bea/wli/sb/sources/XmlObjectTransformer.transform(XmlObjectTransformer.java:111)
at com/bea/wli/sb/sources/MetaTransformer.doTransform(MetaTransformer.java:138)
at com/bea/wli/sb/sources/MetaTransformer.transform(MetaTransformer.java:89)
at com/bea/wli/sb/pipeline/PipelineContextImpl$LazyInitTransformer.transform(PipelineContextImpl.java:1426)
at com/bea/wli/sb/context/SOAPMessageImpl.parseCheckEnvelope(SOAPMessageImpl.java:1143)
at com/bea/wli/sb/context/SOAPMessageImpl.unpack(SOAPMessageImpl.java:705)
at com/bea/wli/sb/context/SOAPMessageImpl.getBody(SOAPMessageImpl.java:248)
at com/bea/wli/sb/context/BodyVariable.getTypedValue(BodyVariable.java:106)
at com/bea/wli/sb/context/BodyVariable.getTypedValue(BodyVariable.java:25)
at com/bea/wli/sb/context/SystemVariable.getValue(SystemVariable.java:49)
at com/bea/wli/sb/context/MessageContextImpl.getVariableValue(MessageContextImpl.java:202)
at com/bea/wli/sb/stages/expressions/xquery/XQueryExprExecutor.getVariables(XQueryExprExecutor.java:182)
at com/bea/wli/sb/stages/expressions/xquery/XQueryExprExecutor.executeJavaObject(XQueryExprExecutor.java:129)
at stages/logging/runtime/LogRuntimeStep.processMessage(LogRuntimeStep.java:109)
at com/bea/wli/sb/pipeline/debug/DebuggerRuntimeStep.processMessage(DebuggerRuntimeStep.java:74)
at com/bea/wli/sb/stages/StageMetadataImpl$WrapperRuntimeStep.processMessage(StageMetadataImpl.java:346)
at com/bea/wli/sb/pipeline/PipelineStage.processMessage(PipelineStage.java:84)
at com/bea/wli/sb/pipeline/PipelineContextImpl.execute(PipelineContextImpl.java:922)
at com/bea/wli/sb/pipeline/Pipeline.processMessage(Pipeline.java:141)
at com/bea/wli/sb/pipeline/PipelineContextImpl.execute(PipelineContextImpl.java:922)
at com/bea/wli/sb/pipeline/PipelineNode.doRequest(PipelineNode.java:55)
at com/bea/wli/sb/pipeline/Node.processMessage(Node.java:67)
at com/bea/wli/sb/pipeline/PipelineContextImpl.execute(PipelineContextImpl.java:922)
at com/bea/wli/sb/pipeline/Router.processMessage(Router.java:214)
at com/bea/wli/sb/pipeline/MessageProcessor.processRequest(MessageProcessor.java:99)
at com/bea/wli/sb/pipeline/RouterManager$1.run(RouterManager.java:593)
at com/bea/wli/sb/pipeline/RouterManager$1.run(RouterManager.java:591)
at weblogic/security/acl/internal/AuthenticatedSubject.doAs(AuthenticatedSubject.java:363)
at weblogic/security/service/SecurityManager.runAs(SecurityManager.java:147)
at com/bea/wli/sb/security/WLSSecurityContextService.runAs(WLSSecurityContextService.java:55)
at com/bea/wli/sb/pipeline/RouterManager.processMessage(RouterManager.java:590)
at com/bea/wli/sb/transports/TransportManagerImpl.receiveMessage(TransportManagerImpl.java:375)
at com/bea/wli/sb/transports/http/generic/RequestHelperBase$1.run(RequestHelperBase.java:154)
at com/bea/wli/sb/transports/http/generic/RequestHelperBase$1.run(RequestHelperBase.java:152)
at weblogic/security/acl/internal/AuthenticatedSubject.doAs(AuthenticatedSubject.java:363)
at weblogic/security/service/SecurityManager.runAs(SecurityManager.java:147)
at com/bea/wli/sb/transports/http/generic/RequestHelperBase.securedInvoke(RequestHelperBase.java:151)
at com/bea/wli/sb/transports/http/generic/RequestHelperBase.service(RequestHelperBase.java:107)
at com/bea/wli/sb/transports/http/wls/HttpTransportServlet.service(HttpTransportServlet.java:127)
at weblogic/servlet/FutureResponseServlet.service(FutureResponseServlet.java:24)
at javax/servlet/http/HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:820)
at weblogic/servlet/internal/StubSecurityHelper$ServletServiceAction.run(StubSecurityHelper.java:227)
at weblogic/servlet/internal/StubSecurityHelper.invokeServlet(StubSecurityHelper.java:125)
at weblogic/servlet/internal/ServletStubImpl.execute(ServletStubImpl.java:300)
at weblogic/servlet/internal/ServletStubImpl.execute(ServletStubImpl.java:183)
at weblogic/servlet/internal/WebAppServletContext$ServletInvocationAction.doIt(WebAppServletContext.java:3686)
at weblogic/servlet/internal/WebAppServletContext$ServletInvocationAction.run(WebAppServletContext.java:3650)
at weblogic/security/acl/internal/AuthenticatedSubject.doAs(AuthenticatedSubject.java:321)
at weblogic/security/service/SecurityManager.runAs(SecurityManager.java:121)
at weblogic/servlet/internal/WebAppServletContext.securedExecute(WebAppServletContext.java:2268)
at weblogic/servlet/internal/WebAppServletContext.execute(WebAppServletContext.java:2174)
at weblogic/servlet/internal/ServletRequestImpl.run(ServletRequestImpl.java:1446)
at weblogic/work/ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:201)
at weblogic/work/ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:173)
at jrockit/vm/RNI.c2java(IIIII)V(Native Method)
Also interesting that whenever XQuery wants to read a variable it calls
I have put in BOLD the focal points.
"[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'" id=18 idx=0x48 tid=928 prio=5 alive, native_blocked, daemon
at org/apache/xmlbeans/impl/piccolo/util/CharStringConverter.hashKey(CharStringConverter.java:168)
at org/apache/xmlbeans/impl/piccolo/util/CharStringConverter.convert(CharStringConverter.java:97)
at org/apache/xmlbeans/impl/piccolo/xml/PiccoloLexer.parseCdataLiteral(PiccoloLexer.java:3025)
at org/apache/xmlbeans/impl/piccolo/xml/PiccoloLexer.parseQuotedTagValue(PiccoloLexer.java:2936)
at org/apache/xmlbeans/impl/piccolo/xml/PiccoloLexer.parseAttributesNS(PiccoloLexer.java:1754)
at org/apache/xmlbeans/impl/piccolo/xml/PiccoloLexer.parseOpenTagNS(PiccoloLexer.java:1521)
at org/apache/xmlbeans/impl/piccolo/xml/PiccoloLexer.parseTagNS(PiccoloLexer.java:1362)
at org/apache/xmlbeans/impl/piccolo/xml/PiccoloLexer.yylex(PiccoloLexer.java:4678)
at org/apache/xmlbeans/impl/piccolo/xml/Piccolo.yylex(Piccolo.java:1290)
at org/apache/xmlbeans/impl/piccolo/xml/Piccolo.yyparse(Piccolo.java:1400)
at org/apache/xmlbeans/impl/piccolo/xml/Piccolo.parse(Piccolo.java:714)
at org/apache/xmlbeans/impl/store/Locale$SaxLoader.load(Locale.java:3456)
at org/apache/xmlbeans/impl/store/Locale.parseToXmlObject(Locale.java:1278)
at org/apache/xmlbeans/impl/store/Locale.parseToXmlObject(Locale.java:1252)
at org/apache/xmlbeans/impl/schema/SchemaTypeLoaderBase.parse(SchemaTypeLoaderBase.java:345)
at org/apache/xmlbeans/XmlObject$Factory.parse(XmlObject.java:747)
at com/bea/wli/sb/sources/XmlObjectSource.getInstance(XmlObjectSource.java:203)
at com/bea/wli/sb/sources/XmlObjectTransformer.getXmlObjectSource(XmlObjectTransformer.java:199)
at com/bea/wli/sb/sources/XmlObjectTransformer.transform(XmlObjectTransformer.java:111)
at com/bea/wli/sb/sources/MetaTransformer.doTransform(MetaTransformer.java:138)
at com/bea/wli/sb/sources/MetaTransformer.transform(MetaTransformer.java:89)
at com/bea/wli/sb/pipeline/PipelineContextImpl$LazyInitTransformer.transform(PipelineContextImpl.java:1426)
at com/bea/wli/sb/context/SOAPMessageImpl.parseCheckEnvelope(SOAPMessageImpl.java:1143)
at com/bea/wli/sb/context/SOAPMessageImpl.unpack(SOAPMessageImpl.java:705)
at com/bea/wli/sb/context/SOAPMessageImpl.getBody(SOAPMessageImpl.java:248)
at com/bea/wli/sb/context/BodyVariable.getTypedValue(BodyVariable.java:106)
at com/bea/wli/sb/context/BodyVariable.getTypedValue(BodyVariable.java:25)
at com/bea/wli/sb/context/SystemVariable.getValue(SystemVariable.java:49)
at com/bea/wli/sb/context/MessageContextImpl.getVariableValue(MessageContextImpl.java:202)
at com/bea/wli/sb/stages/expressions/xquery/XQueryExprExecutor.getVariables(XQueryExprExecutor.java:182)
at com/bea/wli/sb/stages/expressions/xquery/XQueryExprExecutor.executeJavaObject(XQueryExprExecutor.java:129)
at stages/logging/runtime/LogRuntimeStep.processMessage(LogRuntimeStep.java:109)
at com/bea/wli/sb/pipeline/debug/DebuggerRuntimeStep.processMessage(DebuggerRuntimeStep.java:74)
at com/bea/wli/sb/stages/StageMetadataImpl$WrapperRuntimeStep.processMessage(StageMetadataImpl.java:346)
at com/bea/wli/sb/pipeline/PipelineStage.processMessage(PipelineStage.java:84)
at com/bea/wli/sb/pipeline/PipelineContextImpl.execute(PipelineContextImpl.java:922)
at com/bea/wli/sb/pipeline/Pipeline.processMessage(Pipeline.java:141)
at com/bea/wli/sb/pipeline/PipelineContextImpl.execute(PipelineContextImpl.java:922)
at com/bea/wli/sb/pipeline/PipelineNode.doRequest(PipelineNode.java:55)
at com/bea/wli/sb/pipeline/Node.processMessage(Node.java:67)
at com/bea/wli/sb/pipeline/PipelineContextImpl.execute(PipelineContextImpl.java:922)
at com/bea/wli/sb/pipeline/Router.processMessage(Router.java:214)
at com/bea/wli/sb/pipeline/MessageProcessor.processRequest(MessageProcessor.java:99)
at com/bea/wli/sb/pipeline/RouterManager$1.run(RouterManager.java:593)
at com/bea/wli/sb/pipeline/RouterManager$1.run(RouterManager.java:591)
at weblogic/security/acl/internal/AuthenticatedSubject.doAs(AuthenticatedSubject.java:363)
at weblogic/security/service/SecurityManager.runAs(SecurityManager.java:147)
at com/bea/wli/sb/security/WLSSecurityContextService.runAs(WLSSecurityContextService.java:55)
at com/bea/wli/sb/pipeline/RouterManager.processMessage(RouterManager.java:590)
at com/bea/wli/sb/transports/TransportManagerImpl.receiveMessage(TransportManagerImpl.java:375)
at com/bea/wli/sb/transports/http/generic/RequestHelperBase$1.run(RequestHelperBase.java:154)
at com/bea/wli/sb/transports/http/generic/RequestHelperBase$1.run(RequestHelperBase.java:152)
at weblogic/security/acl/internal/AuthenticatedSubject.doAs(AuthenticatedSubject.java:363)
at weblogic/security/service/SecurityManager.runAs(SecurityManager.java:147)
at com/bea/wli/sb/transports/http/generic/RequestHelperBase.securedInvoke(RequestHelperBase.java:151)
at com/bea/wli/sb/transports/http/generic/RequestHelperBase.service(RequestHelperBase.java:107)
at com/bea/wli/sb/transports/http/wls/HttpTransportServlet.service(HttpTransportServlet.java:127)
at weblogic/servlet/FutureResponseServlet.service(FutureResponseServlet.java:24)
at javax/servlet/http/HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:820)
at weblogic/servlet/internal/StubSecurityHelper$ServletServiceAction.run(StubSecurityHelper.java:227)
at weblogic/servlet/internal/StubSecurityHelper.invokeServlet(StubSecurityHelper.java:125)
at weblogic/servlet/internal/ServletStubImpl.execute(ServletStubImpl.java:300)
at weblogic/servlet/internal/ServletStubImpl.execute(ServletStubImpl.java:183)
at weblogic/servlet/internal/WebAppServletContext$ServletInvocationAction.doIt(WebAppServletContext.java:3686)
at weblogic/servlet/internal/WebAppServletContext$ServletInvocationAction.run(WebAppServletContext.java:3650)
at weblogic/security/acl/internal/AuthenticatedSubject.doAs(AuthenticatedSubject.java:321)
at weblogic/security/service/SecurityManager.runAs(SecurityManager.java:121)
at weblogic/servlet/internal/WebAppServletContext.securedExecute(WebAppServletContext.java:2268)
at weblogic/servlet/internal/WebAppServletContext.execute(WebAppServletContext.java:2174)
at weblogic/servlet/internal/ServletRequestImpl.run(ServletRequestImpl.java:1446)
at weblogic/work/ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:201)
at weblogic/work/ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:173)
at jrockit/vm/RNI.c2java(IIIII)V(Native Method)
Thursday, May 20, 2010
WebLogic 11g, OSB11 and Web Service client
Glory to Oracle, they have introduced Eclipse 3.5.2, wow!
AT LAST Oracle introduced a wizard to generate a Java Web Service Client without having to struggle for zip and jar files and classpaths for hours... Long Live Oracle!
Do New, Other, and you have 2 options:
Web Service Client and
WebLogic Web Service Client
With Web Service Client
you have the option to
Monitor SOAP traffic and
Customize namespace to Java packages mapping (cool!)
and here is the code you should use
HelloWorldSOAP12BindingQSServiceLocator locator = new HelloWorldSOAP12BindingQSServiceLocator();
HelloWorldPortType pt = locator.getHelloWorldSOAP12BindingQSPort();
AT LAST Oracle introduced a wizard to generate a Java Web Service Client without having to struggle for zip and jar files and classpaths for hours... Long Live Oracle!
Do New, Other, and you have 2 options:
Web Service Client and
WebLogic Web Service Client
With Web Service Client
you have the option to
Monitor SOAP traffic and
Customize namespace to Java packages mapping (cool!)
and here is the code you should use
HelloWorldSOAP12BindingQSServiceLocator locator = new HelloWorldSOAP12BindingQSServiceLocator();
HelloWorldPortType pt = locator.getHelloWorldSOAP12BindingQSPort();
OSB and Java Callout, a fierce discussion
here is my take:
During a discussion, somebody said that we should use Java Callouts with great care, because
A) they introduce an extra artifact, a JAR file (or multiple JAR files) to maintain;
B) because there are performance issues tied to Java Callouts.
For point A, I can only say that Ant exists :o) , so there is no real need to generate and deploy JARs by hand. Here http://ant.apache.org/ is Ant :o) , your friend.
For point B, I am still looking for some documentation or actual POC proving that Java Callouts introduce a performance hit, and under which circumstances, and of which extent. So if you are aware of anything, please show us.
I am not saying we SHOULD use Java Callouts, but I am not ruling out the technology in specific cases where it really makes sense.
Anyway here is the documentation from Oracle
I found this particularly interesting:
A single POJO can be invoked by one or more proxy services. All the threads in the proxy services invoke the same POJO. Therefore, the POJO must be thread safe. A class or method on a POJO can be synchronized, in which case it serializes access across all threads in all of the invoking proxy services. Any finer-grained concurrency (for example, to control access to a DB read results cache and implement stale cache entry handling) must be implemented by the POJO code.
It is generally a bad practice for POJOs to create threads.
During a discussion, somebody said that we should use Java Callouts with great care, because
A) they introduce an extra artifact, a JAR file (or multiple JAR files) to maintain;
B) because there are performance issues tied to Java Callouts.
For point A, I can only say that Ant exists :o) , so there is no real need to generate and deploy JARs by hand. Here http://ant.apache.org/ is Ant :o) , your friend.
For point B, I am still looking for some documentation or actual POC proving that Java Callouts introduce a performance hit, and under which circumstances, and of which extent. So if you are aware of anything, please show us.
I am not saying we SHOULD use Java Callouts, but I am not ruling out the technology in specific cases where it really makes sense.
Anyway here is the documentation from Oracle
I found this particularly interesting:
A single POJO can be invoked by one or more proxy services. All the threads in the proxy services invoke the same POJO. Therefore, the POJO must be thread safe. A class or method on a POJO can be synchronized, in which case it serializes access across all threads in all of the invoking proxy services. Any finer-grained concurrency (for example, to control access to a DB read results cache and implement stale cache entry handling) must be implemented by the POJO code.
It is generally a bad practice for POJOs to create threads.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
XmlAccessType.FIELD vs XmlAccessType.PROPERTY
As a Java guy, I feel disturbed by using XmlAccessType.FIELD
http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlAccessType.html )
in JAXB while "exposing" a JavaBean as a XML data type.
XmlAccessType.FIELD will expose ANY Java attribute, even the private ones, even those that you didn't mean to expose, UNLESS you annotate them as @XmlTransient .
MY vision, which I assume matches the JavaBean vision, is that you expose only properties which are explicitly associated with a getter (setter if they are writable), and that you should really never access directly the attribute as a field. This leads to a more method-centric programming style, as opposed to a data-centric programming style.
For this reason, I privilege the XmlAccessType.PROPERTY approach.
http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlAccessType.html )
in JAXB while "exposing" a JavaBean as a XML data type.
XmlAccessType.FIELD will expose ANY Java attribute, even the private ones, even those that you didn't mean to expose, UNLESS you annotate them as @XmlTransient .
MY vision, which I assume matches the JavaBean vision, is that you expose only properties which are explicitly associated with a getter (setter if they are writable), and that you should really never access directly the attribute as a field. This leads to a more method-centric programming style, as opposed to a data-centric programming style.
For this reason, I privilege the XmlAccessType.PROPERTY approach.
Web Services faults caught from a Java client
If your WS returns you a fault, in Java this will be mapped to a
which is filled with a detailedMessage
Failed to invoke end component com.acme.dbaccess.CompanyDBWS (POJO), operation=insertCompany
-> Failed to invoke method
and a fault (name is SOAP-ENV:Fault) with QName {http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/}Fault
which is filled with a detailedMessage
Failed to invoke end component com.acme.dbaccess.CompanyDBWS (POJO), operation=insertCompany
-> Failed to invoke method
and a fault (name is SOAP-ENV:Fault) with QName {http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/}Fault
WebLogic: building a Java client for a Web Service
1) create a WebLogic Web Service project - separate from the WebService service project
2) copy the C:\beaosb\wlserver_10.3\server\lib\wseeclient.zip to the lib directory and UNZIP IT (huge amount of jars there)
3) add all the jars to the project classpath
4) add C:\beaosb\modules\org.apache.ant_1.6.5\lib\ant.jar to the classpath
5) copy the WSDL, run the clientgen wizard, generate the client jar and add it to the classpath
6) write this kind of code:
CompanyDBWSService service = new CompanyDBWSService();
Company company = new Company();
here are the official instructions:
see also this thread
2) copy the C:\beaosb\wlserver_10.3\server\lib\wseeclient.zip to the lib directory and UNZIP IT (huge amount of jars there)
3) add all the jars to the project classpath
4) add C:\beaosb\modules\org.apache.ant_1.6.5\lib\ant.jar to the classpath
5) copy the WSDL, run the clientgen wizard, generate the client jar and add it to the classpath
6) write this kind of code:
CompanyDBWSService service = new CompanyDBWSService();
Company company = new Company();
here are the official instructions:
see also this thread
When working with Tuxedo one gets confused between FML and FML.
The way I understand it is that:
FML is a data format standard proprietary to Tuxedo.
MFL is a METADATA about an arbitrary binary data format.
Flexible buffer formats
Tuxedo applications can utilize a variety of message formats depending upon the type of data that is to be passed. One of the most popular formats is the FML buffer format which is much like a binary XML or ASN.1 format. FML buffers can contain an arbitrary number of named fields of arbitrary type. Fields can be repeated and nested. As it is a self describing binary format, the processing of fields incurs very little overhead in comparison to the parsing necessary to support something like XML. VIEW buffers are essentially records, C structures, or COBOL copybooks. A VIEW buffer has an external description which allows Tuxedo to access the fields within it if necessary for things like data dependent routing. Other buffer formats include XML, CARRAY (opaque binary data), STRING, and MBSTRING (a string buffer containing multibyte characters.) Tuxedo can automatically and transparently convert FML buffers to and from XML buffers.
There is also support for user-developed buffer types (for example JamFlex buffers defined by Tuxedo version of Panther RAD toolset).
A Message Format Language (MFL) document is a specialized XML document used to describe the layout of binary data. It is a BEA proprietary language used to define rules to transform formatted binary data into XML data. An MFL document conforms to the mfl.dtd, which includes elements and attributes used to describe each field of data, as well as groupings of fields (groups), repetition, and aggregation.
When you create a business services or proxy services of Messaging Service type, you can select MFL types as the request message type or the response message type of the service.
You use BEA Format Builder to create MFLs. When you define the hierarchy of a binary record, the layout of fields, and the grouping of fields and groups, the information is saved as an MFL document that can then be used to perform run-time translations. An MFL document can also be used in Format Builder to generate the corresponding DTD that describes its content model. To learn how to use the Format Builder, see the Format Builder Online Help.
The way I understand it is that:
FML is a data format standard proprietary to Tuxedo.
MFL is a METADATA about an arbitrary binary data format.
Flexible buffer formats
Tuxedo applications can utilize a variety of message formats depending upon the type of data that is to be passed. One of the most popular formats is the FML buffer format which is much like a binary XML or ASN.1 format. FML buffers can contain an arbitrary number of named fields of arbitrary type. Fields can be repeated and nested. As it is a self describing binary format, the processing of fields incurs very little overhead in comparison to the parsing necessary to support something like XML. VIEW buffers are essentially records, C structures, or COBOL copybooks. A VIEW buffer has an external description which allows Tuxedo to access the fields within it if necessary for things like data dependent routing. Other buffer formats include XML, CARRAY (opaque binary data), STRING, and MBSTRING (a string buffer containing multibyte characters.) Tuxedo can automatically and transparently convert FML buffers to and from XML buffers.
There is also support for user-developed buffer types (for example JamFlex buffers defined by Tuxedo version of Panther RAD toolset).
A Message Format Language (MFL) document is a specialized XML document used to describe the layout of binary data. It is a BEA proprietary language used to define rules to transform formatted binary data into XML data. An MFL document conforms to the mfl.dtd, which includes elements and attributes used to describe each field of data, as well as groupings of fields (groups), repetition, and aggregation.
When you create a business services or proxy services of Messaging Service type, you can select MFL types as the request message type or the response message type of the service.
You use BEA Format Builder to create MFLs. When you define the hierarchy of a binary record, the layout of fields, and the grouping of fields and groups, the information is saved as an MFL document that can then be used to perform run-time translations. An MFL document can also be used in Format Builder to generate the corresponding DTD that describes its content model. To learn how to use the Format Builder, see the Format Builder Online Help.
Monday, May 17, 2010
OSB: transports available per Proxy Service type
In this table I am summarizing the type of Proxy Service you should use when the transport is defined:
WSDL Web service | Any SOAP Service | Any XML Service | Transport Typed Service | Messaging Type Service | |
DSP | X | X | X | ||
HTTP | X | X | X | ||
JMS | X | X | X | X | |
JPD | X | X | X | ||
Local | X | X | X | X | |
SB | X | X | X | ||
WS | X | ||||
X | X | ||||
File | X | X | |||
FTP | X | X | |||
HTTP GET | X | X | |||
MQ | X | X | |||
SFTP | X | X | |||
TUXEDO | X | ||||
EJB | X | ||||
Flow | X |
PDF generation in Java
This is what a friend suggests:
You can use Apache FOP.
iText is very low-level,
so I'd suggest using Jasper Reports.
I also heard some good things about Eclipse Birt
You can use Apache FOP.
iText is very low-level,
so I'd suggest using Jasper Reports.
I also heard some good things about Eclipse Birt
XQuery to change the local name of an element
returning to the problem of changing operation in a body, that is turning:
<dbac:insertCompany xmlns:dbac="http://com/acme/dbaccess">
<dbac:company xmlns:java="java:com.acme.dbaccess">
<dbac:updateCompany xmlns:dbac="http://com/acme/dbaccess">
<dbac:company xmlns:java="java:com.acme.dbaccess">
</dbac: updateCompany>
of course one way would be to turn all the payload into a String, do a fn:replace(thestring, oldoperation, newoperation) and then turning it back into a element(*); but it's very unsafe as it replaces everything.
There is a reliable way using this XQuery:
declare namespace functx = "http://www.functx.com";
declare namespace dbac = "http://com/acme/dbaccess";
declare function functx:replace-beginning
( $arg as element(*), $name as xs:string,$newName as xs:string) as element() {
if (fn:ends-with(string(node-name($arg)), $name) = xs:boolean('true')) then
Error Message
} ;
declare variable $arg as element(*) external;
declare variable $name as xs:string external;
declare variable $newName as xs:string external;
functx:replace-beginning($arg, $name, $newName)
This is an excellent demonstration of how to instantiate a node (element($newName)} and insert into it portion of the old element.
<dbac:company xmlns:java="java:com.acme.dbaccess">
<dbac:company xmlns:java="java:com.acme.dbaccess">
of course one way would be to turn all the payload into a String, do a fn:replace(thestring, oldoperation, newoperation) and then turning it back into a element(*); but it's very unsafe as it replaces everything.
There is a reliable way using this XQuery:
declare namespace functx = "http://www.functx.com";
declare namespace dbac = "http://com/acme/dbaccess";
declare function functx:replace-beginning
( $arg as element(*), $name as xs:string,$newName as xs:string) as element() {
if (fn:ends-with(string(node-name($arg)), $name) = xs:boolean('true')) then
} ;
declare variable $arg as element(*) external;
declare variable $name as xs:string external;
declare variable $newName as xs:string external;
functx:replace-beginning($arg, $name, $newName)
This is an excellent demonstration of how to instantiate a node (element($newName)} and insert into it portion of the old element.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Excellent XQuery book
This is the kind of book that you would like to have available for every new technology you want to learn.
Normally men are drifting away when they write computer books; this book, written by a woman, proves the superior communication skills of women.
Examples from this book are available here.
Friday, May 14, 2010
OSB: a looong StackTrace showing something of the internal mechanism
I put a breakpoint in a Java Callout (the Java class is ChangeOperation). The client is the Web Console.
Daemon Thread [[STUCK] ExecuteThread: '5' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] (Suspended (breakpoint at line 15 in ChangeOperation))
ChangeOperation.changeOperation(XmlObject, String) line: 15
NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Method, Object, Object[]) line: not available [native method]
NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Object, Object[]) line: 39
DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Object, Object[]) line: 25
Method.invoke(Object, Object...) line: 597
JavaCalloutRuntimeStep$1.run() line: 158
AuthenticatedSubject.doAs(AbstractSubject, PrivilegedExceptionAction) line: 363
SecurityManager.runAs(AuthenticatedSubject, AuthenticatedSubject, PrivilegedExceptionAction) line: not available
Security.runAs(Subject, PrivilegedExceptionAction) line: 61
JavaCalloutRuntimeStep.processMessage(MessageContext, PipelineContext) line: 179
DebuggerRuntimeStep.processMessage(MessageContext, PipelineContext) line: 74
StageMetadataImpl$WrapperRuntimeStep.processMessage(MessageContext, PipelineContext) line: 346
SequenceRuntimeStep.processMessage(MessageContext, PipelineContext) line: 33
WsCalloutRuntimeStep.processMessage(MessageContext, PipelineContext) line: 182
DebuggerRuntimeStep.processMessage(MessageContext, PipelineContext) line: 74
StageMetadataImpl$WrapperRuntimeStep.processMessage(MessageContext, PipelineContext) line: 346
SequenceRuntimeStep.processMessage(MessageContext, PipelineContext) line: 33
IfThenElseRuntimeStep.processMessage(MessageContext, PipelineContext) line: 86
DebuggerRuntimeStep.processMessage(MessageContext, PipelineContext) line: 74
StageMetadataImpl$WrapperRuntimeStep.processMessage(MessageContext, PipelineContext) line: 346
SequenceRuntimeStep.processMessage(MessageContext, PipelineContext) line: 33
WsCalloutRuntimeStep.processMessage(MessageContext, PipelineContext) line: 243
DebuggerRuntimeStep.processMessage(MessageContext, PipelineContext) line: 74
StageMetadataImpl$WrapperRuntimeStep.processMessage(MessageContext, PipelineContext) line: 346
SequenceRuntimeStep.processMessage(MessageContext, PipelineContext) line: 33
PipelineStage.processMessage(MessageContext, InternalPipelineContext) line: 84
PipelineContextImpl.execute(RuntimeComponent, MessageContext) line: 866
Pipeline.processMessage(MessageContext, InternalPipelineContext) line: 141
PipelineContextImpl.handleError(MessageContext, Throwable) line: 961
PipelineContextImpl.execute(RuntimeComponent, MessageContext) line: 877
Pipeline.processMessage(MessageContext, InternalPipelineContext) line: 141
PipelineContextImpl.execute(RuntimeComponent, MessageContext) line: 866
PipelineNode.doRequest(MessageContext, InternalPipelineContext) line: 55
PipelineNode(Node).processMessage(MessageContext, InternalPipelineContext) line: 67
PipelineContextImpl.execute(RuntimeComponent, MessageContext) line: 866
Router.processMessage(MessageContext, InternalPipelineContext) line: 191
MessageProcessor.processRequest(RouterContext) line: 75
RouterManager$1.run() line: 508
RouterManager$1.run() line: 506
AuthenticatedSubject.doAs(AbstractSubject, PrivilegedExceptionAction) line: 363
SecurityManager.runAs(AuthenticatedSubject, AuthenticatedSubject, PrivilegedExceptionAction) line: not available
WLSSecurityContextService.runAs(AuthenticatedSubject, PrivilegedExceptionAction<T>) line: 55
RouterManager.processMessage(InboundTransportMessageContext, RouterOptions) line: 505
ServiceMessageSender.send0(ConfigService, Service, ServiceInvocationRequestType, AuthenticatedSubject) line: 263
ServiceMessageSender.access$000(ServiceMessageSender, ConfigService, Service, ServiceInvocationRequestType, AuthenticatedSubject) line: 68
ServiceMessageSender$1.run() line: 125
ServiceMessageSender$1.run() line: 123
AuthenticatedSubject.doAs(AbstractSubject, PrivilegedExceptionAction) line: 363
SecurityManager.runAs(AuthenticatedSubject, AuthenticatedSubject, PrivilegedExceptionAction) line: not available
WLSSecurityContextService.runAs(AuthenticatedSubject, PrivilegedExceptionAction<T>) line: 55
ServiceMessageSender.send(ConfigService, Service, ServiceInvocationRequestType) line: 128
ServiceProcessor.invoke(String, Ref, InvocationRequestType) line: 441
TestServiceImpl.invoke(String, Ref, InvocationRequestType) line: 169
TestService_sqr59p_Impl(TestServiceEJBBean).invoke(String, Ref, InvocationRequestType) line: 136
TestService_sqr59p_EOImpl.invoke(String, Ref, InvocationRequestType) line: 572
TestService_sqr59p_EOImpl_WLSkel.invoke(int, Object[], Object) line: not available
ServerRequest.sendReceive() line: 174
ClusterableRemoteRef.invoke(RemoteReference, RuntimeMethodDescriptor, Object[], Method) line: 345
ClusterableRemoteRef.invoke(Remote, RuntimeMethodDescriptor, Object[], Method) line: 259
TestService_sqr59p_EOImpl_1030_WLStub.invoke(String, Ref, InvocationRequestType) line: not available
TestServiceClient.invoke(HttpServletRequest, Ref, InvocationRequestType) line: 179
ServiceRequestAction(DefaultRequestAction).invoke(HttpServletRequest, TestActionForm, ITestObject) line: 117
ServiceRequestAction(DefaultRequestAction).execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) line: 70
ServiceRequestAction.execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) line: 80
SBConsoleRequestProcessor(RequestProcessor).processActionPerform(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Action, ActionForm, ActionMapping) line: 431
PageFlowRequestProcessor.access$201(PageFlowRequestProcessor, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Action, ActionForm, ActionMapping) line: 97
PageFlowRequestProcessor$ActionRunner.execute() line: 2044
ActionInterceptors.wrapAction(ActionInterceptorContext, List, ActionInterceptors$ActionExecutor) line: 91
SBConsoleRequestProcessor(PageFlowRequestProcessor).processActionPerform(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Action, ActionForm, ActionMapping) line: 2116
SBConsoleRequestProcessor.processActionPerform(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Action, ActionForm, ActionMapping) line: 91
SBConsoleRequestProcessor(RequestProcessor).process(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) line: 236
SBConsoleRequestProcessor(PageFlowRequestProcessor).processInternal(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) line: 556
SBConsoleRequestProcessor(PageFlowRequestProcessor).process(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) line: 853
SBConsoleRequestProcessor.process(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) line: 191
SBConsoleActionServlet(AutoRegisterActionServlet).process(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) line: 631
SBConsoleActionServlet(PageFlowActionServlet).process(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) line: 158
SBConsoleActionServlet(ConsoleActionServlet).process(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) line: 256
SBConsoleActionServlet(ActionServlet).doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) line: 414
SBConsoleActionServlet(ConsoleActionServlet).doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) line: 133
SBConsoleActionServlet(SBConsoleActionServlet).doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) line: 49
PageFlowUtils.strutsLookup(ServletContext, ServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, String, String[], boolean) line: 1199
PageFlowUtils.strutsLookup(ServletContext, ServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, String, String[]) line: 1129
StrutsStubImpl(ScopedContentCommonSupport).executeAction(ServletContext, ScopedRequest, ScopedResponse, RequestState, ResponseState, ActionResolver, boolean, boolean) line: 687
StrutsStubImpl(ScopedContentCommonSupport).processActionInternal(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, ServletContext, RequestState, ResponseState, boolean) line: 142
StrutsStubImpl.processAction(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, ServletContext, RequestState, boolean) line: 76
StrutsActionHandler(NetuiActionHandler).raiseScopedAction(String, String, String, boolean, boolean, ActionForm, ServletContext, boolean) line: 111
StrutsContent(NetuiContent).raiseScopedAction(String, String, boolean, boolean, ActionForm, boolean) line: 181
StrutsContent(NetuiContent).raiseScopedAction(boolean, boolean) line: 167
StrutsContent(NetuiContent).handlePostbackData(String) line: 225
ControlLifecycle$2.visit(UIControl, Object) line: 180
ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursive(VisitorType, UIControl, Object, boolean) line: 324
ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursive(VisitorType, UIControl, Object, boolean) line: 334
ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursive(VisitorType, UIControl, Object, boolean) line: 334
ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursive(VisitorType, UIControl, Object, boolean) line: 334
ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursive(VisitorType, UIControl, Object, boolean) line: 334
ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursive(VisitorType, UIControl, Object, boolean) line: 334
ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursive(VisitorType, UIControl, Object, boolean) line: 334
ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursive(VisitorType, UIControl, Object, boolean) line: 334
ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursive(VisitorType, UIControl, Object, boolean) line: 334
ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursive(VisitorType, UIControl, Object, boolean) line: 334
ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursive(VisitorType, UIControl, Object, boolean) line: 334
ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursive(VisitorType, UIControl, Object, boolean) line: 334
ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursive(VisitorType, UIControl, Object, boolean) line: 334
ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursive(VisitorType, UIControl, Object, boolean) line: 334
ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursive(VisitorType, UIControl, Object, boolean) line: 334
ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursive(VisitorType, UIControl, Object, boolean) line: 334
ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursive(VisitorType, UIControl, Object, boolean) line: 334
ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursive(VisitorType, UIControl, Object, boolean) line: 334
ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursive(VisitorType, UIControl, Object, boolean) line: 334
ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursive(VisitorType, UIControl, Object, boolean) line: 334
ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursive(VisitorType, UIControl, Object, boolean) line: 334
ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursive(VisitorType, UIControl, Object, boolean) line: 334
ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursive(VisitorType, UIControl, Object, boolean) line: 334
ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursive(VisitorType, UIControl, Object, boolean) line: 334
ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursive(VisitorType, UIControl, Object, boolean) line: 334
ControlTreeWalker.walk(VisitorType, UIControl, IControlTreeWalkerPool) line: 130
Lifecycle.processLifecycles(int, int, VisitorType[], UIControl, UIContext, IControlTreeWalkerPool, boolean) line: 395
Lifecycle.processLifecycles(int, VisitorType[], UIControl, UIContext, IControlTreeWalkerPool) line: 361
Lifecycle.processLifecycles(int, VisitorType[], UIControl, IControlTreeWalkerPool) line: 352
Lifecycle.runInbound(UIContext) line: 184
Lifecycle.run(UIContext, IControlTreeWalkerPool) line: 159
SingleFileServlet(UIServlet).runLifecycle(UIContext, HttpServletRequest) line: 388
SingleFileServlet(UIServlet).doPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) line: 258
SingleFileServlet(UIServlet).service(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) line: 199
SingleFileServlet.service(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) line: 251
SingleFileServlet(HttpServlet).service(ServletRequest, ServletResponse) line: 820
AsyncInitServlet.service(ServletRequest, ServletResponse) line: 130
StubSecurityHelper$ServletServiceAction.run() line: 227
StubSecurityHelper.invokeServlet(ServletRequest, HttpServletRequest, ServletRequestImpl, ServletResponse, HttpServletResponse, Servlet) line: 125
ServletStubImpl.execute(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChainImpl) line: 292
TailFilter.doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) line: 26
FilterChainImpl.doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse) line: 42
RequestEventsFilter.doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) line: 27
FilterChainImpl.doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse) line: 42
WebAppServletContext$ServletInvocationAction.run() line: 3496
AuthenticatedSubject.doAs(AbstractSubject, PrivilegedAction) line: 321
SecurityManager.runAs(AuthenticatedSubject, AuthenticatedSubject, PrivilegedAction) line: not available
WebAppServletContext.securedExecute(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, boolean) line: 2180
WebAppServletContext.execute(ServletRequestImpl, ServletResponseImpl) line: 2086
ServletRequestImpl.run() line: 1406
ExecuteThread.execute(Runnable) line: 201
ExecuteThread.run() line: 173
Daemon Thread [[STUCK] ExecuteThread: '5' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] (Suspended (breakpoint at line 15 in ChangeOperation))
ChangeOperation.changeOperation(XmlObject, String) line: 15
NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Method, Object, Object[]) line: not available [native method]
NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Object, Object[]) line: 39
DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Object, Object[]) line: 25
Method.invoke(Object, Object...) line: 597
JavaCalloutRuntimeStep$1.run() line: 158
AuthenticatedSubject.doAs(AbstractSubject, PrivilegedExceptionAction) line: 363
SecurityManager.runAs(AuthenticatedSubject, AuthenticatedSubject, PrivilegedExceptionAction) line: not available
Security.runAs(Subject, PrivilegedExceptionAction) line: 61
JavaCalloutRuntimeStep.processMessage(MessageContext, PipelineContext) line: 179
DebuggerRuntimeStep.processMessage(MessageContext, PipelineContext) line: 74
StageMetadataImpl$WrapperRuntimeStep.processMessage(MessageContext, PipelineContext) line: 346
SequenceRuntimeStep.processMessage(MessageContext, PipelineContext) line: 33
WsCalloutRuntimeStep.processMessage(MessageContext, PipelineContext) line: 182
DebuggerRuntimeStep.processMessage(MessageContext, PipelineContext) line: 74
StageMetadataImpl$WrapperRuntimeStep.processMessage(MessageContext, PipelineContext) line: 346
SequenceRuntimeStep.processMessage(MessageContext, PipelineContext) line: 33
IfThenElseRuntimeStep.processMessage(MessageContext, PipelineContext) line: 86
DebuggerRuntimeStep.processMessage(MessageContext, PipelineContext) line: 74
StageMetadataImpl$WrapperRuntimeStep.processMessage(MessageContext, PipelineContext) line: 346
SequenceRuntimeStep.processMessage(MessageContext, PipelineContext) line: 33
WsCalloutRuntimeStep.processMessage(MessageContext, PipelineContext) line: 243
DebuggerRuntimeStep.processMessage(MessageContext, PipelineContext) line: 74
StageMetadataImpl$WrapperRuntimeStep.processMessage(MessageContext, PipelineContext) line: 346
SequenceRuntimeStep.processMessage(MessageContext, PipelineContext) line: 33
PipelineStage.processMessage(MessageContext, InternalPipelineContext) line: 84
PipelineContextImpl.execute(RuntimeComponent, MessageContext) line: 866
Pipeline.processMessage(MessageContext, InternalPipelineContext) line: 141
PipelineContextImpl.handleError(MessageContext, Throwable) line: 961
PipelineContextImpl.execute(RuntimeComponent, MessageContext) line: 877
Pipeline.processMessage(MessageContext, InternalPipelineContext) line: 141
PipelineContextImpl.execute(RuntimeComponent, MessageContext) line: 866
PipelineNode.doRequest(MessageContext, InternalPipelineContext) line: 55
PipelineNode(Node).processMessage(MessageContext, InternalPipelineContext) line: 67
PipelineContextImpl.execute(RuntimeComponent, MessageContext) line: 866
Router.processMessage(MessageContext, InternalPipelineContext) line: 191
MessageProcessor.processRequest(RouterContext) line: 75
RouterManager$1.run() line: 508
RouterManager$1.run() line: 506
AuthenticatedSubject.doAs(AbstractSubject, PrivilegedExceptionAction) line: 363
SecurityManager.runAs(AuthenticatedSubject, AuthenticatedSubject, PrivilegedExceptionAction) line: not available
WLSSecurityContextService.runAs(AuthenticatedSubject, PrivilegedExceptionAction<T>) line: 55
RouterManager.processMessage(InboundTransportMessageContext, RouterOptions) line: 505
ServiceMessageSender.send0(ConfigService, Service, ServiceInvocationRequestType, AuthenticatedSubject) line: 263
ServiceMessageSender.access$000(ServiceMessageSender, ConfigService, Service, ServiceInvocationRequestType, AuthenticatedSubject) line: 68
ServiceMessageSender$1.run() line: 125
ServiceMessageSender$1.run() line: 123
AuthenticatedSubject.doAs(AbstractSubject, PrivilegedExceptionAction) line: 363
SecurityManager.runAs(AuthenticatedSubject, AuthenticatedSubject, PrivilegedExceptionAction) line: not available
WLSSecurityContextService.runAs(AuthenticatedSubject, PrivilegedExceptionAction<T>) line: 55
ServiceMessageSender.send(ConfigService, Service, ServiceInvocationRequestType) line: 128
ServiceProcessor.invoke(String, Ref, InvocationRequestType) line: 441
TestServiceImpl.invoke(String, Ref, InvocationRequestType) line: 169
TestService_sqr59p_Impl(TestServiceEJBBean).invoke(String, Ref, InvocationRequestType) line: 136
TestService_sqr59p_EOImpl.invoke(String, Ref, InvocationRequestType) line: 572
TestService_sqr59p_EOImpl_WLSkel.invoke(int, Object[], Object) line: not available
ServerRequest.sendReceive() line: 174
ClusterableRemoteRef.invoke(RemoteReference, RuntimeMethodDescriptor, Object[], Method) line: 345
ClusterableRemoteRef.invoke(Remote, RuntimeMethodDescriptor, Object[], Method) line: 259
TestService_sqr59p_EOImpl_1030_WLStub.invoke(String, Ref, InvocationRequestType) line: not available
TestServiceClient.invoke(HttpServletRequest, Ref, InvocationRequestType) line: 179
ServiceRequestAction(DefaultRequestAction).invoke(HttpServletRequest, TestActionForm, ITestObject) line: 117
ServiceRequestAction(DefaultRequestAction).execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) line: 70
ServiceRequestAction.execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) line: 80
SBConsoleRequestProcessor(RequestProcessor).processActionPerform(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Action, ActionForm, ActionMapping) line: 431
PageFlowRequestProcessor.access$201(PageFlowRequestProcessor, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Action, ActionForm, ActionMapping) line: 97
PageFlowRequestProcessor$ActionRunner.execute() line: 2044
ActionInterceptors.wrapAction(ActionInterceptorContext, List, ActionInterceptors$ActionExecutor) line: 91
SBConsoleRequestProcessor(PageFlowRequestProcessor).processActionPerform(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Action, ActionForm, ActionMapping) line: 2116
SBConsoleRequestProcessor.processActionPerform(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Action, ActionForm, ActionMapping) line: 91
SBConsoleRequestProcessor(RequestProcessor).process(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) line: 236
SBConsoleRequestProcessor(PageFlowRequestProcessor).processInternal(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) line: 556
SBConsoleRequestProcessor(PageFlowRequestProcessor).process(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) line: 853
SBConsoleRequestProcessor.process(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) line: 191
SBConsoleActionServlet(AutoRegisterActionServlet).process(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) line: 631
SBConsoleActionServlet(PageFlowActionServlet).process(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) line: 158
SBConsoleActionServlet(ConsoleActionServlet).process(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) line: 256
SBConsoleActionServlet(ActionServlet).doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) line: 414
SBConsoleActionServlet(ConsoleActionServlet).doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) line: 133
SBConsoleActionServlet(SBConsoleActionServlet).doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) line: 49
PageFlowUtils.strutsLookup(ServletContext, ServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, String, String[], boolean) line: 1199
PageFlowUtils.strutsLookup(ServletContext, ServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, String, String[]) line: 1129
StrutsStubImpl(ScopedContentCommonSupport).executeAction(ServletContext, ScopedRequest, ScopedResponse, RequestState, ResponseState, ActionResolver, boolean, boolean) line: 687
StrutsStubImpl(ScopedContentCommonSupport).processActionInternal(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, ServletContext, RequestState, ResponseState, boolean) line: 142
StrutsStubImpl.processAction(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, ServletContext, RequestState, boolean) line: 76
StrutsActionHandler(NetuiActionHandler).raiseScopedAction(String, String, String, boolean, boolean, ActionForm, ServletContext, boolean) line: 111
StrutsContent(NetuiContent).raiseScopedAction(String, String, boolean, boolean, ActionForm, boolean) line: 181
StrutsContent(NetuiContent).raiseScopedAction(boolean, boolean) line: 167
StrutsContent(NetuiContent).handlePostbackData(String) line: 225
ControlLifecycle$2.visit(UIControl, Object) line: 180
ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursive(VisitorType, UIControl, Object, boolean) line: 324
ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursive(VisitorType, UIControl, Object, boolean) line: 334
ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursive(VisitorType, UIControl, Object, boolean) line: 334
ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursive(VisitorType, UIControl, Object, boolean) line: 334
ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursive(VisitorType, UIControl, Object, boolean) line: 334
ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursive(VisitorType, UIControl, Object, boolean) line: 334
ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursive(VisitorType, UIControl, Object, boolean) line: 334
ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursive(VisitorType, UIControl, Object, boolean) line: 334
ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursive(VisitorType, UIControl, Object, boolean) line: 334
ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursive(VisitorType, UIControl, Object, boolean) line: 334
ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursive(VisitorType, UIControl, Object, boolean) line: 334
ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursive(VisitorType, UIControl, Object, boolean) line: 334
ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursive(VisitorType, UIControl, Object, boolean) line: 334
ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursive(VisitorType, UIControl, Object, boolean) line: 334
ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursive(VisitorType, UIControl, Object, boolean) line: 334
ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursive(VisitorType, UIControl, Object, boolean) line: 334
ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursive(VisitorType, UIControl, Object, boolean) line: 334
ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursive(VisitorType, UIControl, Object, boolean) line: 334
ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursive(VisitorType, UIControl, Object, boolean) line: 334
ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursive(VisitorType, UIControl, Object, boolean) line: 334
ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursive(VisitorType, UIControl, Object, boolean) line: 334
ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursive(VisitorType, UIControl, Object, boolean) line: 334
ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursive(VisitorType, UIControl, Object, boolean) line: 334
ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursive(VisitorType, UIControl, Object, boolean) line: 334
ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursive(VisitorType, UIControl, Object, boolean) line: 334
ControlTreeWalker.walk(VisitorType, UIControl, IControlTreeWalkerPool) line: 130
Lifecycle.processLifecycles(int, int, VisitorType[], UIControl, UIContext, IControlTreeWalkerPool, boolean) line: 395
Lifecycle.processLifecycles(int, VisitorType[], UIControl, UIContext, IControlTreeWalkerPool) line: 361
Lifecycle.processLifecycles(int, VisitorType[], UIControl, IControlTreeWalkerPool) line: 352
Lifecycle.runInbound(UIContext) line: 184
Lifecycle.run(UIContext, IControlTreeWalkerPool) line: 159
SingleFileServlet(UIServlet).runLifecycle(UIContext, HttpServletRequest) line: 388
SingleFileServlet(UIServlet).doPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) line: 258
SingleFileServlet(UIServlet).service(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) line: 199
SingleFileServlet.service(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) line: 251
SingleFileServlet(HttpServlet).service(ServletRequest, ServletResponse) line: 820
AsyncInitServlet.service(ServletRequest, ServletResponse) line: 130
StubSecurityHelper$ServletServiceAction.run() line: 227
StubSecurityHelper.invokeServlet(ServletRequest, HttpServletRequest, ServletRequestImpl, ServletResponse, HttpServletResponse, Servlet) line: 125
ServletStubImpl.execute(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChainImpl) line: 292
TailFilter.doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) line: 26
FilterChainImpl.doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse) line: 42
RequestEventsFilter.doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) line: 27
FilterChainImpl.doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse) line: 42
WebAppServletContext$ServletInvocationAction.run() line: 3496
AuthenticatedSubject.doAs(AbstractSubject, PrivilegedAction) line: 321
SecurityManager.runAs(AuthenticatedSubject, AuthenticatedSubject, PrivilegedAction) line: not available
WebAppServletContext.securedExecute(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, boolean) line: 2180
WebAppServletContext.execute(ServletRequestImpl, ServletResponseImpl) line: 2086
ServletRequestImpl.run() line: 1406
ExecuteThread.execute(Runnable) line: 201
ExecuteThread.run() line: 173
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