Saturday, October 26, 2013

OSB Blackbox, the simplest possible tool to monitor in-flight requests

A common issue we have in PROD is that we have occasionally stuck threads and we don't have a clue which payload they are processing.
In the logs, in the STUCK thread notification you get a Thread Name (Execute Thread 27...) and a long stacktrace from which you can only understand if it was processing a JMS message or a file, but not which Proxy Service was being executed.
We do log all incoming requests, but it is not immediate to associate the Stuck Thread to them.
So I have come up with a simple Custom XPath which should be invoked at the beginning of each Proxy Service - or simply in the MessageTracker service that we invoke to trace every incoming request - to store ThreadName, ProxyName (we call this "InterfaceID"), payload and some unique identifier (like PONumber, CustomerID....) that we call technicalMessageID and BusinessID.
This is the - REALLY bare bones - implementation:

This is the Blackbox, the entry point of all our calls. It holds a RequestMap containing all our in-flight requests
package com.acme.osb.logging;

import java.util.Date;

import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject;

 * Keeps in memory the execution status of all current requests
 * @author PIPPO
public class Blackbox {
 public static final RequestMap requests = new RequestMap();
  * Archive a request in our Map 
  * @param threadName
  * @param startTime
  * @param interfaceId
  * @param businessId
  * @param payload
  * @return
 public static String trackRequest(String interfaceId, String technicalId, String businessId, XmlObject payload) {
  String threadName = getThreadName(); 
  return trackRequestWithThreadName(threadName, interfaceId, technicalId, businessId, payload);

 public static String trackRequestWithThreadName(String threadName, String interfaceId, String technicalId, String businessId, XmlObject payload) {
  RequestDescriptor rd = new RequestDescriptor(threadName, new Date(), interfaceId, technicalId, businessId, payload);
  requests.put(threadName, rd);
  return threadName;
 public static String getThreadName() {
  return Thread.currentThread().getName();
 public static String dumpBlackbox() {
  StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
  return result.toString();
 public static String clearBlackbox() {
  return "OK";

This is the RequestDescriptor, entry in the RequestMap to hold all info about an in-flight request

package com.acme.osb.logging;

import java.util.Date;

import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject;

 * Hold info about all incoming requests
 * @author PIPPO
public class RequestDescriptor {
 String threadName;
 Date startTime;
 XmlObject payload;
 String interfaceId;
 String technicalId;
 String businessId;
 public RequestDescriptor(String threadName, Date startTime, String interfaceId, String technicalId, String businessId, XmlObject payload) {
  this.threadName = threadName;
  this.startTime = startTime;
  this.payload = payload;
  this.interfaceId = interfaceId;
  this.technicalId = technicalId;
  this.businessId = businessId;

 public String getThreadName() {
  return threadName;

 public void setThreadName(String threadName) {
  this.threadName = threadName;

 public Date getStartTime() {
  return startTime;

 public void setStartTime(Date startTime) {
  this.startTime = startTime;

 public XmlObject getPayload() {
  return payload;

 public void setPayload(XmlObject payload) {
  this.payload = payload;

 public String getInterfaceId() {
  return interfaceId;

 public void setInterfaceId(String interfaceId) {
  this.interfaceId = interfaceId;

 public String getBusinessId() {
  return businessId;

 public void setBusinessId(String businessId) {
  this.businessId = businessId;

 public String getTechnicalId() {
  return technicalId;

 public void setTechnicalId(String technicalId) {
  this.technicalId = technicalId;

 public String toString() {
  return "threadName=" + threadName + ", startTime=" + startTime.toString() + ", interfaceId= " + interfaceId + ", technicalId=" + technicalId + ", businessId=" + businessId + ", payload=" + payload.xmlText();

This is the RequestMap, a simple collection with some utility method

package com.acme.osb.logging;

import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;

 * A self-managing container of requests
 * @author PIPPO

public class RequestMap {
 public static final int MAXSIZE = 100;
 long numberOfRemoval = 0; 
 public long getNumberOfRemoval() {
  return numberOfRemoval;

 public void setNumberOfRemoval(long numberOfRemoval) {
  this.numberOfRemoval = numberOfRemoval;

 ConcurrentHashMap requests = new ConcurrentHashMap();

  * Add an element to the map, removing oldest element if maxsize is reached
  * @param threadName
  * @param rd
 public void put(String threadName, RequestDescriptor rd) {
  requests.put(threadName, rd);
  if (requests.size() > MAXSIZE) {
   RequestDescriptor oldest = findOldestEntry();
   numberOfRemoval ++;
  * Return the entry with the oldest timestamp
  * @return
 public RequestDescriptor findOldestEntry() {
  RequestDescriptor result = null;
  Date oldestDate = new Date();
  Enumeration en = requests.elements();
  while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
   RequestDescriptor rd = en.nextElement(); 
   if (rd.getStartTime().before(oldestDate)) {
    oldestDate = rd.getStartTime();
    result = rd;
  return result;
 public int size() {
  return requests.size();
 public String toString() {
  StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
  Enumeration en = requests.elements();
  while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
   RequestDescriptor rd = en.nextElement();
  return result.toString();

 public void clear() {

In the RequestMap I had to do some alchemy to make sure we never store more than 100 concurrent requests... I am paranoid about memory leaks!
You can expose the dumpBlackbox() method with a JMX agent, or more simply with a HTTP Proxy service. In case the WebLogic AppServer was completely unresponsive, probably JMX is more robust. An approach could be also to implement a "kill -3" (SIGBREAK) handler at JVM level - to dump not only the ThreadDump but also the OSB dump.

NOTA BENE: if you have huge payloads, this could lead to a severe hit on your memory.... be careful...

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